bug in zoom in timeseries plot

1 view (last 30 days)
Yona on 19 Jan 2015
Edited: Yona on 19 Jan 2015
before i report a bug i want to ask if someone have a problem with the zoom button on a timeseries plot.
i create a time-series and add to the figure a regular plot (not a time-series).
when i zoom in the first time its work like expected but when i zoom again, when i push the left click, the plot change to be the all plot not the zoomed plot. it append in R2014b version not in perceive version and only when i add a regular plot to a time-series.
i add a code that you can run to test it. please report if you get the same bug.
timeVec = (73594:1/24/60:73595)';
DataVec = rand(length(timeVec),2);
ts1 = timeseries(cumsum(2.*DataVec(:,2)-1),timeVec(:,1));
ts1.Name = 'Rand';
ts1.TimeInfo.Units = 'days';
ts1.TimeInfo.Format = 'mm-dd HH:MM';
hold on;

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