UDP communication Raspberry pi with direct Ethernet connection

9 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I recently downloaded and installed Raspberry Pi package (Simulink+MATLAB) and chose direct PC connection.
I tested the sine wave model (External mode) and it worked just fine. I even tested it by removing ethernet cable and reconnecting it and it was disconnecting and resuming on the plot. Also pinging the IP of raspberry pi is success.
The problem is when applying UDP communication example, I receive nothing. I made sure that Normal mode is selected and then deploying the on hardware . I tested when assigning my host IP and another time with '' (Broadcast). Both got me nothing when running host communication model.
My question is, is it possible to receive UDP packets from Raspberry Pi if Direct connection is selected? Hope someone could assist me.
Thanks in advance. I use Model B.
sandeep rathore
sandeep rathore on 24 Jan 2015
hii Waleed El-Badry, I am using matlab 2013a and raspberry pi model B. but whenever i try to install Raspbian Wheezy image from support package it gives error like this "firmware error.wait a couples of minutes and try again" give me some suggestion to solve it.
vcmorini on 22 Feb 2017
sandeep rathore, In my experience, most of my problems were solved by changing my SD card to a class 10 and increasing the source current to >1A

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Accepted Answer

Waleed El-Badry
Waleed El-Badry on 8 Jan 2015
I discovered the problem guys, I had to configure my Ethernet adapter to have static IP . After that all things went good.

More Answers (1)

Murat Belge
Murat Belge on 6 Jan 2015
Did you try using your computer's IP address instead of using the broadcast IP address of ''?
  1 Comment
Waleed El-Badry
Waleed El-Badry on 7 Jan 2015
Sure I used the host IP but no success. I need someone to tell that he personally tested it using direct Ethernet connection not via router or switch

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