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strange format of result(division operation)

5 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone
I've written this code:
syms x
>> f=-5e-6*((x).^2)+3.21e2*(x);
>> eq=diff(f)==0;
>> allocate=solve(eq)
and the answer should be a number. but what I get after running the code is :
allocate =
that is not what I expect!
Matlab doesn't do the division operation and I wnat have the final result that is a number. what should i do?
I really appreciate your help.

Accepted Answer

Chunru on 25 Mar 2022
Symbolic computation tries its best not to loose accuracy. You can convert it to a number at the end
syms x
allocate = 
final_sol = double(allocate)
final_sol = 3.2100e+07

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