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using xlsread for cell variable

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Yona on 24 Dec 2014
Edited: Linda Cianciolo on 1 Jan 2015
I have a data store in .csv files. in the data i have vector of number that i want get in cell not in string (and some more data that i want in separate cell). because the vectors are not in same length i don't want it to be numbers.
Can we use xlsread or other function and store cell variable (in cell matrix)? If not what is the easiest way (format?) to store the data in csv file to change it in matlab from string/array to cell variable?
example file is attached
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Linda Cianciolo
Linda Cianciolo on 1 Jan 2015
Edited: Linda Cianciolo on 1 Jan 2015
Lets try the following, I hope this can help:
function C = claimReader()
inp = csv2struct(['C:\Documents and Settings\nkulczy\My Documents\085 Starry Sky\','Starry_Sky_inputs_vert.csv']);
inputTitles = [{'Output_Dir'};{'Claimz'};{'Prodz'};{'Fault_Locations'};{'Fault_Type'};{'Primary_Failed_Part'};{'Part_Group'};{'Selected_SEAG'};{'Change_Point'};{'Date_Compile'};{'Minimum_Date'}];
claim = inp.(cell2mat(inputTitles(2))); %returns a file path/location string
C = csv2struct(claim);
function Out = csv2struct(filename)
%%read xls file with a single header row
[~, ~, raw] = xlsread(filename);
[~ , ~, ext] = fileparts(filename);
if ~strcmpi(ext, '.csv') %convert non .csv files to .csv, so blanks stay blank
[~ , ~, raw] = xlsread(filename);
if size(raw,1)==11 && size(raw,2)==2 %transpose SS inputs (must match dimensions of input matrix EXACTLY!!!)
raw = raw';
nRow = size(raw,1);
nCol = size(raw,2);
header = raw(1,:);
raw(1,:) = [];

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Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 24 Dec 2014
I don't quite understand the question, but I'll take a guess. You can use csvread() to read in your data file, and xlswrite() to write it out to an Excel workbook. Does that answer the question?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 30 Dec 2014
Try this:
[xd, ~, xcell]=xlsread('example2.csv');
[rows, columns] = size(xcell)
for row = 1 : rows
% Extract string.
str = char(xcell(row, 3));
% Get rid of brackets
str = str(2:end-1);
% Turn into numbers and put in cell
column3{row} = sscanf(str, '%d, ');
% Display the cells

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More Answers (1)

Ilham Hardy
Ilham Hardy on 30 Dec 2014
In a very different approach,
instead of
slxread or csvread


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