Invalid solver specified. Provide a solver name or handle (such as 'fmincon' or @fminunc). Type DOC OPTIMOPTIONS for a list of solvers. Error in Part2 (line 12) options = opt

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Maximum_Gen = 30;
Population_Size = 60;
actual = 0.6;
options = optimoptions(['ga','PopulationSize', Population_Size ...
'MaxGenerations',Maximum_Gen, ...
'CrossoverFraction', actual ,'PlotFcn','gaplotbestf']);
%v for 1st Airfoil
%v for 2nd Airfoil
%v for third Airfoil
lob = max(0, v - 0.1);
upb = max(1, v + 0.1);
global jj
jj = 0;
[parameter, fval] = ga(@(b) OptGA(b),11, [],[],[],[],lob,upb,@Constr, options);
disp(['Minimizer value:' num2str(param)])
disp(['Final CL value:' num2str(1/fval)])
t= linspace(0,1,200);
curve1 = airfoil_pmodel(v);
curve2= airfoil_pmodel(param);
cop1 = fnval(curve1,t);
cop2 = fnval(curve2,t);
copf1= cop1(1,:);
copg1= cop1(2,:);
copf2= cop2(1,:);
copg2= cop2(2,:);
f1= copf1';
g1= copg1';
f2= copf2';
g2= copg2';
[k1, A1] = boundary(f1,g1);
[k2, A2] = boundary(f2,g2);
fprintf("A1 = %f \n A2 = %f \n |A1-A2| = %f", A1, A2, abs(A1-A2));
func [OF] = OptGA(b)
global jj
jj= jj + 1;
curve = airfoil_pmodel(b);
t = linspace(0, 1, 200);
Emx = fnval(crv, t);
Emx = Emx';
x = fopen('C:\Users\User\Documents\project\Emx300.dat','w');
for loop_ii = 1:length(Emx)
for loop_jj = 1:2
fprintf(x, "%10.12f ",Emx(loop_ii,loop_jj));
system("C:\Users\User\Documents\project\xfoil.exe< xfoil_mycommand.txt");
CL = importdata("C:\Users\User\Documents\project\datum.dat");
CL = CL(end,2);
if CL==0 || CL<-4 || CL>4
OF = 1000;
OF = 1/CL;

Accepted Answer

Torsten on 24 Mar 2022
Remove the square brackets when specifying optimoptions.
Chukwuemeka Edward
Chukwuemeka Edward on 25 Mar 2022
now i hav a new error on another line. pls help.
NonconFcn,options,Iterate,type] = gacommon(nvars,fun,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,lb,ub, ...
Error in Part2 (line 41)
[parameter, fval] = ga(@(b) OptGA(b),11, [],[],[],[],lob,upb,@Constraints, options);
Torsten on 25 Mar 2022
I can't tell without your code.
But maybe
options = optimoptions('ga','PopulationSize', Population_Size, ...
'MaxGenerations',Maximum_Gen, ...
'CrossoverFraction', actual ,'PlotFcn',@gaplotbestf);
instead of your call
options = optimoptions('ga','PopulationSize', Population_Size, ...
'MaxGenerations',Maximum_Gen, ...
'CrossoverFraction', actual ,'PlotFcn','gaplotbestf');
Note the difference in specifying the plot function "gaplotbestf".
By the way: How did you set up this plot function ("gaplotbestf") ?

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