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Randomly ordered GUIs sandwiched between fixed order GUI.

1 view (last 30 days)
I would like to accomplish something like the following. Please note that these GUIs were all originally made with GUIDE:
Sand-wiched between gui_intro and gui_end are a series of interconnected GUIs that appear in a random order:
1. gui_intro
- After pressing the appropriate button in this GUI, it leads to one of the GUI's below (randomly selected):
2. [gui1, gui2, gui3, gui4, gui5, gui6, gui7, gui8, gui9, gui10, gui11, gui12, gui13, gui14]
- These GUI each have a button to move onto the next GUI in the set
- Each GUI must appear a total of one time and each appears one at a time.
- The order must be random.
- The last GUI that appears in this set must lead the user to the last gui (gui_end) from pushing the appropriate button:
3. gui_end
How may I accomplish this? Input would be much appreciated.

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