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Clear Filters

How to save mat file from specific index

2 views (last 30 days)
Med Future
Med Future on 12 Feb 2022
Edited: Matt J on 12 Feb 2022
HI, I hope you are doing well.
I have the following Code It saves the frame as mat file name as frame8PSK001 to frame8PSK5000.
I want to save the frame starting from 8PSK5001 to So ON how can i save that
The folllowing for loop is used to save the mat files
for p=1:numFramesPerModType
How can i change the value
fileNameRoot = "frame";
% Check if data files exist
dataFilesExist = false;
if exist(dataDirectory,'dir')
files = dir(fullfile(dataDirectory,sprintf("%s*",fileNameRoot)));
if length(files) == numModulationTypes*numFramesPerModType
dataFilesExist = true;
if ~dataFilesExist
disp("Generating data and saving in data files...")
[success,msg,msgID] = mkdir(dataDirectory);
if ~success
for modType = 1:numModulationTypes
elapsedTime = seconds(toc);
elapsedTime.Format = 'hh:mm:ss';
fprintf('%s - Generating %s frames\n', ...
elapsedTime, modulationTypes(modType))
label = modulationTypes(modType);
numSymbols = (numFramesPerModType / sps);
dataSrc = helperModClassGetSourceAMC(modulationTypes(modType), sps, 2*spf, fs);
modulator = helperModClassGetModulatorAMC(modulationTypes(modType), sps, fs);
if contains(char(modulationTypes(modType)), {'B-FM','DSB-AM','SSB-AM'})
% Analog modulation types use a center frequency of 100 MHz
channel.CenterFrequency = 100e6;
% Digital modulation types use a center frequency of 902 MHz
channel.CenterFrequency = 902e6;
for p=1:numFramesPerModType
% Generate random data
x = dataSrc();
% Modulate
y = modulator(x);
% Pass through independent channels
rxSamples = channel(y);
% Remove transients from the beginning, trim to size, and normalize
frame = helperModClassFrameGenerator(rxSamples, spf, spf, transDelay, sps);
% Save data file
fileName = fullfile(dataDirectory,...
disp("Data files exist. Skip data generation.")
Matt J
Matt J on 12 Feb 2022
Are you sure that's a good idea? Why not save all frames together in one file? The difficulty you're facing splitting them up will be encountered again when you need to read them back in.
Med Future
Med Future on 12 Feb 2022
@Matt J My algo takes each frame seperatly thats why

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Answers (1)

Matt J
Matt J on 12 Feb 2022
Edited: Matt J on 12 Feb 2022
My algo takes each frame seperatly thats why
That does not disqualify keeping them all in a common .mat file. You can use matfile() to read individual sub-chunks of an array from a .mat file.




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