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Arguments of Reshape function with example
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Hi everyone. I am completely new to matlab and struggling with the syntax.
A = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6]
reshape(A, [1,6])
reshape(A, [1 6])
Both the reshape gives similar kind of result. I am confused with the syntax. Please explain me the syntax and working of reshape.
Suppose, if I put
reshape (A, [1 2]) then I will start getting errors.
Suppose I have a colored image of 64x64.
Accepted Answer
on 18 Jan 2022
A = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6] ;
% this is a 3*2 matrix
reshape(A, [1,6])
reshape(A, [1 6])
% Both the above commands are same. whether you put , in [1 6] or not mean the same.
reshape (A, [1 2]) % this will definetly throw error, becuase you can reshape 3*2 = 6 elements into 1*2 = 2 elements.
You have 64*64 colored image, what exactly you want to do with it?
Manu Chaudhary
on 18 Jan 2022
I am trying to use matlab for quantum image processing applications.
Presently, trying to get familiarize myself with images related functions.
I am confused with imread and reshape functions.
For example,
For example, executing imread on 64x64x3 image produces a huge amount of pixel data.
I really donot understand how is this data arranged? Is this some matrix?
>> input_image_3D = imread('./Images/Image_64x64.jpg')
Also, how can i selectively get some part of the data stored in input_image_3D variable?
Suppose, I want to take out the data of gray image from it, is it pssible?
64×64×3 uint8 array
input_image_3D(:,:,1) =
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245 246 245 246 250 250 247 251 230 4 187 30 150 255 247 244 246 241 243 252 195 51 183 201 215 215 223 200 148 62
243 244 245 247 251 250 249 250 230 4 182 23 150 251 247 246 247 248 252 142 54 175 202 214 217 207 188 151 59 193
242 243 246 247 251 250 248 250 230 3 183 52 140 222 215 253 253 252 243 149 101 198 210 219 214 193 119 63 205 185
242 244 247 249 251 249 247 249 226 5 172 188 81 7 45 225 213 225 63 67 188 214 217 209 201 118 76 198 181 179
245 246 249 250 249 246 244 245 227 1 176 174 180 189 162 20 22 29 23 88 193 220 217 201 153 99 96 189 182 193
246 247 250 250 247 244 243 243 220 7 176 178 180 178 180 185 189 193 71 88 193 219 220 205 73 111 199 176 182 143
246 247 250 250 247 244 243 244 228 45 118 120 158 182 182 184 179 195 81 88 197 216 221 196 66 102 184 179 193 18
245 246 249 249 246 245 243 244 244 254 67 71 95 116 112 117 118 130 49 86 195 220 225 197 66 99 189 176 185 16
243 245 247 247 246 245 246 247 246 241 255 255 155 61 76 72 75 81 30 82 202 225 225 204 77 109 194 178 178 70
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Columns 31 through 60
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135 177 106 4 0 252 37 3 81 180 162 10 230 249 247 248 247 251 247 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 253 144 9 162
165 209 143 35 36 34 35 35 101 214 197 34 255 255 255 251 249 250 247 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 255 130 5 177
73 67 110 195 190 194 196 190 123 74 80 174 63 43 135 255 249 252 249 246 244 246 244 245 246 247 249 255 215 1
178 179 192 196 203 203 199 195 179 175 191 188 178 165 100 43 34 255 255 243 249 249 242 252 242 239 249 254 199 1
201 180 163 154 165 165 165 165 155 175 204 207 204 201 192 189 165 61 255 251 253 243 251 245 240 243 244 252 205 3
183 119 63 62 54 55 56 53 64 92 173 192 194 207 220 219 210 187 51 206 255 255 255 240 240 238 248 252 199 4
50 144 216 198 202 199 199 204 215 172 40 55 143 184 212 226 214 206 194 80 149 249 241 244 246 245 249 255 205 4
188 182 174 152 158 153 158 158 169 184 185 190 76 127 185 211 220 215 211 195 69 82 255 241 242 247 254 255 208 6
177 165 89 12 15 22 17 17 71 166 182 178 200 100 104 169 203 218 217 204 114 120 244 252 252 255 226 220 178 17
158 66 10 42 120 116 120 59 26 51 165 178 176 193 111 76 195 213 218 207 187 113 28 223 207 223 82 8 44 187
23 53 113 94 88 86 88 114 126 97 14 178 176 190 116 79 160 199 212 210 194 133 32 25 17 14 125 192 184 166
78 70 59 15 18 16 15 66 109 101 33 132 174 178 186 160 77 199 212 213 198 136 59 199 183 184 185 176 173 171
255 127 11 51 45 50 52 20 62 121 109 17 163 178 181 151 72 193 202 216 206 145 57 181 174 185 182 181 174 173
187 99 14 39 45 47 42 21 62 120 112 20 162 179 182 149 74 184 204 213 200 138 48 191 181 186 187 184 164 113
64 52 35 29 32 31 26 36 80 113 75 63 171 177 182 152 66 189 206 203 158 88 23 113 106 105 110 105 100 77
32 63 97 40 44 44 38 94 123 98 20 195 179 182 154 118 108 186 206 204 97 55 109 77 82 86 87 86 118 255
98 66 86 124 128 126 117 115 95 70 92 175 176 195 106 68 199 217 219 194 84 99 255 251 253 255 254 255 255 243
181 120 71 68 71 75 64 68 69 106 188 178 198 152 107 133 205 216 207 145 110 171 255 237 246 244 246 244 245 249
181 186 150 87 89 92 86 83 125 192 179 191 133 108 154 202 214 206 186 68 163 255 244 244 247 245 246 247 249 249
113 162 199 196 202 193 191 196 200 171 107 130 106 158 201 206 204 194 91 126 208 247 246 247 246 244 246 247 250 250
115 118 116 103 106 106 100 101 103 120 117 134 189 202 199 187 172 95 152 236 252 239 243 244 245 247 245 246 250 250
173 133 89 84 85 77 85 85 82 113 180 196 199 146 113 105 74 36 255 249 239 244 248 246 247 244 245 245 247 249
91 80 70 67 84 85 77 76 65 65 84 88 85 136 72 53 169 148 246 248 252 243 249 250 245 248 245 245 243 245
49 27 70 136 60 119 122 69 87 115 24 29 82 94 29 50 254 254 250 242 252 254 251 247 249 245 246 245 242 242
61 21 92 186 147 199 205 169 159 148 18 25 143 69 90 193 245 243 243 247 248 249 247 244 250 247 247 245 242 240
79 46 67 121 206 214 218 210 161 86 47 39 147 74 145 253 246 240 245 246 246 251 244 245 246 245 246 246 243 243
176 154 157 176 203 215 219 213 193 171 156 140 164 55 129 254 245 242 245 244 245 249 241 249 241 245 246 244 245 246
211 210 201 205 214 216 216 219 220 215 211 191 74 163 233 250 239 249 247 252 241 243 252 246 246 244 243 245 247 248
217 213 208 213 223 224 217 216 220 218 213 182 40 193 255 246 250 244 249 245 246 243 242 248 244 247 245 245 246 247
221 219 215 217 223 225 217 216 220 221 217 187 30 174 254 246 243 249 241 252 255 255 248 250 249 247 247 246 246 246
219 218 222 220 219 220 222 222 222 222 220 188 34 181 255 246 248 246 252 251 133 108 252 244 251 248 251 249 246 245
220 216 221 222 219 220 222 223 221 219 218 195 37 182 254 253 255 246 255 82 41 45 64 255 251 250 249 249 245 244
220 224 224 224 222 218 215 218 221 223 220 186 38 201 253 199 21 255 41 65 87 80 59 22 253 246 245 247 246 245
214 217 222 223 223 219 214 214 218 210 202 184 45 22 26 33 49 29 69 92 101 102 71 17 255 243 247 249 250 248
206 218 223 222 220 222 221 215 213 200 167 63 91 85 86 85 71 23 81 47 74 100 79 22 255 250 245 243 250 243
157 192 186 195 193 191 187 190 190 156 56 90 89 100 104 98 79 22 73 36 73 97 87 79 14 211 247 246 241 249
38 32 32 32 38 39 36 34 32 37 86 81 83 48 70 94 77 23 11 20 69 97 103 88 10 211 249 244 253 251
213 253 252 252 251 255 254 255 251 215 17 21 18 24 62 99 80 29 255 64 48 89 100 97 15 227 249 244 252 252
249 248 248 245 249 247 249 250 245 251 255 255 255 82 52 94 100 85 17 226 129 39 96 95 27 232 255 241 242 249
252 245 244 243 242 251 244 241 252 244 248 251 254 71 33 91 103 99 15 217 112 26 98 98 88 17 153 254 244 242
239 249 243 247 250 249 252 249 241 242 248 242 244 254 134 17 99 98 17 206 123 20 86 96 80 19 165 253 245 251
252 242 245 246 247 249 247 244 247 245 245 247 245 249 113 15 92 94 11 193 251 184 31 91 84 20 164 254 249 246
250 243 249 247 243 242 245 246 247 247 247 246 247 254 126 23 76 87 10 196 252 167 22 82 75 20 162 249 245 252
244 251 250 247 240 239 243 246 249 249 248 249 246 246 252 211 32 88 10 199 249 171 30 61 81 20 165 251 243 246
247 244 249 247 243 242 243 246 249 250 252 245 245 250 255 194 31 88 16 198 250 251 241 13 78 23 160 250 245 247
245 252 247 246 245 243 243 245 249 252 253 248 247 249 255 194 22 79 11 202 251 244 218 6 72 18 168 249 240 250
245 242 246 246 245 245 242 243 249 250 247 249 249 243 254 177 7 42 3 193 255 252 215 1 48 14 158 254 244 244
247 245 246 246 246 245 245 245 247 247 252 249 238 245 245 190 47 52 40 209 255 255 221 45 61 52 183 253 247 244
246 243 247 247 245 246 249 247 245 243 238 243 247 242 247 249 253 254 249 243 248 250 255 255 255 254 250 244 241 248
248 246 249 249 245 246 250 250 243 240 247 243 240 243 244 248 247 245 239 241 250 252 252 252 247 250 246 237 251 245
---- similarly , a lot of pixels
Suppose, I put the whole data from above into sometextfile and then execute,
data= uint8(reshape(testingReadFile1,[64 64 3]));
This function works, but if i change the arguments 64 64 3 to some other value, matlab throws a errors. I really donot understand the arguments required for reshape function.
on 18 Jan 2022
Edited: Stephen23
on 18 Jan 2022
"I really donot understand how is this data arranged?"
"Is this some matrix?"
Everything in MATLAB is an array, as the documentation makes quite clear:
Everything in a computer is stored as a number. Every (raster) image is an array of numbers. That is how images are stored on your computer, and how they are processed by every image application.
"i change the arguments 64 64 3 to some other value, matlab throws a errors."
It will throw an error if you try to RESHAPE an array to a size with a different number of elements.
"I really donot understand the arguments required for reshape function."
The 2nd argument specifies the size that you want the array to have. Lets consider a simple 2x3 matrix: it has six elements (2x3=6), so you can reshape it into any other array size that also has exactly six elements. Here are some array sizes that have exactly six elements:
- 1x6
- 2x3
- 3x2
- 6x1
- 1x1x6
- 2x1x3
- 3x1x1x1x2
- 1x1x1x6
- etc.
RESHAPE does not add or remove elements from the array, it only RESHAPEs the array. You get an error because you are trying to RESHAPE an array to a size that does not have the same number of elements.
Doing these tutorials would help you:
Manu Chaudhary
on 18 Jan 2022
Edited: Manu Chaudhary
on 18 Jan 2022
Thank you Stepen for this great help. Thank you for sharing these great tutorials and web links.
Suppose, I have
input_image_3D = imread('./Images/Image_64x64.jpg');
data= input_image_3D(:, : ,1);
I donot understand these blank arguments. What exactly this means?
Suppose, we have
data= reshape(testingReadFile1,[64 64 3]));
output = data(1:64, 1:64, 1:3);
Is output variable an array ? Is data variable an array? Are both 3 dimensional array?
Thanks in advance.
on 18 Jan 2022
Yes imread reads the pixel data into a matrix. If the image is colered you will get a 3d matrix i.e. mxnx3. If the image is not colored you will get a 2D matrix mxn. You can extract a part of the image using the function imcrop. Read about it. You can convert rgb image into gray using the function rgb2gray.
on 18 Jan 2022
Edited: Stephen23
on 18 Jan 2022
"I donot understand these blank arguments. What exactly this means?"
I do not know what you mean by "blank arguments". If you are referring to the COLON used as an index:
Very basic MATLAB concepts that you need to learn, such as how to use indexing, are explained in these tutorials:
"Is output variable an array ? Is data variable an array? Are both 3 dimensional array? "
Everything in MATLAB is an array. You can check the size of an array using SIZE.
on 18 Jan 2022
input_image_3D = imread('./Images/Image_64x64.jpg'); % this reads an image
data= input_image_3D(:, : ,1); % this extracts first channel/ Red channel/ first matrix of mxnx3
In the above : means all, i.e. all the rows and all the columns. First position is rows and second position is columns.
data= reshape(testingReadFile1,[64 64 3])); % this reshapes an array into 64x64x3.
output = data(1:64, 1:64, 1:3); % this is nothing but saving array data into other array variable output
% the above can be simply written as
output = data ;
Manu Chaudhary
on 18 Jan 2022
Thank you Stephen and KSSV for sharing such great links and answering my all questions. I am highly thankful to you for your generous help and support.
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