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Visualizing a tree

1 view (last 30 days)
Michael on 19 Sep 2011
I have a classification tree created using AdaBoost's toolbox (GML). I want to visualize this tree. Does anyone know of a simple way to do this?
In the statistics toolbox there is a function called view(t) which takes as input a classregtree, but I'm sure how to construct a variable of this type from my data (the tree in GML's format).
Thanks in advance!

Answers (2)

Jan on 19 Sep 2011
Have you seen the ADT tree on e.g. Undocumented: Integrate JBoost?

Ilya on 19 Sep 2011
If you work in 11a or later and if you have Statistics Toolbox, you can boost trees using fitensemble function. Then you can use the view method on individual trees saved in the Trained property of the grown ensemble.
You say "a tree" and "this tree". Just to make sure - an ensemble grown by AdaBoost or another boosting method is a collection of (typically) many trees.
artsci4 on 18 Jan 2013
Edited: artsci4 on 18 Jan 2013
I have a question in regard to viewing the Tree from the fitensemble function. I am using 'RUSBoost' as the method. I can see that there are 1000 trees in the cell called Trained since I set nlearn to be a 1000. But then where is the tree that is actually used for prediction? How can I see that tree?
Jan on 18 Jan 2013
Please post a new thread for a new question.

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