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SIMULINK: Integrator error: Derivative input -24 at time xx is Inf or NaN

1 view (last 30 days)
Dear all.
During simulation, i get error message "Derivative input -24 of modelname at time xx is Inf or NaN". It point out to an integrator block (highlighted).
What strange is :
  • That the integrator block is inside an enabled subsystem. I put several scopes in input and ouput port of the integrator and output port of the enabled block (to see whether the calculation is triggered) and found out there is no value registered (enabled subsytem not triggered).
  • I even put display block and found no value were registered.
I also found in the answers section a similar question about this but is not exactly the same.
I was wondering whether this is also a known bug.
I used Simulink R2013b
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Sreeram Mohan
Sreeram Mohan on 5 Nov 2014
Hi IIham,
I have observed in one of my previous experiments that while using a variable step solver the integral does not produce all values as expected.
With the zero crossing detection enabled in the integer blocks however i was able to get the models working.
May be this is something to try out !!

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