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Combined Slip Wheel 2DOF block in Vehicle dynamics block set is not able to call 'magic tire const input' function.

5 views (last 30 days)
I am building a bicycle model of a car and I am using combined slip wheel 2DOF block for modelling tire in there. I have given all the needed inputs for the block but the block throws an error
  • Index expression out of bounds. Attempted to access element 2. The valid range is 1-1. More informationP-code function 'vdyncsmtire.p' produced an error.
  • Function call failed. Function 'Magic Tire Const Input/Magic Tire Const Input' (#702.2922.5758), line 194, column 1: "[Fx,Fy,FzTire,Mx,My,Mz,Re,Kappa,Alpha,sig_x,sig_y,a,b] = vdyncsmtire(Omega,Vx,Vy" Launch diagnostic report.
and as a result most of the output parameters are not being calculated.

Answers (1)

Nishan Nekoo
Nishan Nekoo on 25 Jan 2024
Edited: Nishan Nekoo on 25 Jan 2024
Hi Lokesh, I know this is a little late so you probably are not facing this issue anymore. I apologize that you did not receive a response sooner.
For reference, I would recommend using the Virtual Vehicle Composer to build your bicycle models of vehicles. Here is a video demonstration of this:


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