how to find maximum value in d matrix of size (11*11)

1 view (last 30 days)
we have a matrix of size 11*11. can u please send me the matlab code to find maximum value in the matrix as soon as possible.

Accepted Answer

Yi on 5 Oct 2014
Edited: Yi on 5 Oct 2014
If the Matrix is X; then maximum value should be max(max(X)).
for d-dimension Matrix;
for i=1:(length(s)-1)
  1 Comment
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 5 Oct 2014
No one familiar with MATLAB would have chosen this answer. First of all you wouldn't use a for loop when you can just use max() one time like I showed:
[maxValue, linIndexOfMax] = max(M(:))
Secondly s = [11,11] so length(s)-1 = 2-1 = 1, so the for loop just executes one time so there was no need for a loop even if you did have to call max again (which you don't). Even for a d-dimension array this loop is unnecessary - my code works for any dimension. I'd advice you not to use this answer's method. Though it works, most of the code is unnecessary and could have been done much more simply as
(which is what my code does) and get rid of all other lines of code.

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More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 5 Oct 2014
Not sure what "find" means - the value or the location - so I'll find both for you
[maxValue, linIndexOfMax] = max(M(:))
[row, column] = ind2sub(size(M), linIndexOfMax);
For example
M = magic(3)
[maxValue, linIndexOfMax] = max(M(:))
[row, column] = ind2sub(size(M), linIndexOfMax)
In the command window:
M =
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2
maxValue =
linIndexOfMax =
row =
column =
Yi on 5 Oct 2014
WOW, that's what I did not know. Thank you for the correction .
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 6 Oct 2014
Here's another quirk that trips people up all the time - it's about the size function as applied to images:

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