What is changing in R2014b?
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Chad Greene
on 25 Aug 2014
Edited: Sean de Wolski
on 6 Oct 2014
Is there a published list of features that are changing with Matlab R2014b? I have been unable to install the pre-release, but I have received word that some of my FEX submissions do not work with R2014b. For example, I'd like to know what needs to be changed in my label function, and whether fixing it for R2014b will end up breaking it for previous versions.
Accepted Answer
Sean de Wolski
on 26 Aug 2014
Hi Chad,
First, one of the purposes of the prerelease is to provide you with an opportunity to test your code against up and coming changes as well as to provide feedback on what went well and what didn't. It's too bad you can't install the prerelease :(
Second, Star is right that the prerelease comes with an NDA so we can't talk about it. But I can answer your second question which is release agnostic. You can use verLessThan to make decisions about what code path to take. If for any release you need a switch mechanism (new features to take advantage of, incompatibilities, etc.) you can use this as the criterion
if verLessThan('matlab','8.4')
% <=R2014a
% >R2014a
Hope this helps.
PS. It's hot down here in Texas!
Image Analyst
on 27 Aug 2014
Chad, it should only be 2-3 weeks before the official release of R2014b.
More Answers (6)
Daniel Shub
on 27 Aug 2014
I received an email from TMW, which I think borders on spam, about some of the new functionality in R2014b. As I have not downloaded the prerelease and it was an unsolicited email that did not suggest the information should not be circulated, I am pretty sure this is not covered by any sort of NDA
· Call MATLAB from Python- You will find documentation on the MATLAB Engine for Python under the MATLAB API for Other Languages in Advanced Software Development. See MATLAB Engine for Python.
· Call Python functionality from MATLAB - You will find documentation on the MATLAB Interface to Python under Calling External Functions in Advanced Software Development. See Call Python Libraries.
1 Comment
Star Strider
on 15 Sep 2014
Edited: Star Strider
on 15 Sep 2014
set(gca, 'XTickLabelRotation', 45);
EDIT — The Answer I was referring to was removed, so I suspect it is confidential information and should not have been released.
Sean de Wolski
on 3 Oct 2014
Chad, the change you have to make is that handles in R2014b are no longer numbers. Thus checking isnumeric of a handle will no longer work:
assert(isnumeric(h)==1,'Input handle(s) h must be numeric.')
assert(isempty(get(0,'children'))==0,'No current axes are open.')
Instead, check:
ishghandle(h) % this works in <14b too
And 0 has been replaced by groot to represent the root object but 0 still works.
Sean de Wolski
on 6 Oct 2014
Edited: Sean de Wolski
on 6 Oct 2014
h will be a Line. A figure will be a, surprise(!), Figure. Using ishandle() or ishghandle() is the right way to test "handleness" in <14b too since pi is numeric and probably not an active handle.
h = plot(1:10)
h =
Line with properties:
Color: [0 0.4470 0.7410]
LineStyle: '-'
LineWidth: 0.5000
Marker: 'none'
MarkerSize: 6
MarkerFaceColor: 'none'
XData: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
YData: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
ZData: [1x0 double]
Show all properties
Andrew Reibold
on 25 Aug 2014
Release notes can be found here
They are not yet available for 2014b.
Image Analyst
on 26 Aug 2014
Did you get an email about downloading the prerelease version? If so, do that and check it out yourself.
Royi Avital
on 3 Oct 2014
MATLAB R2014b is out.
I'm so disappointed Mathworks does nothing to improve the language speed.
Moreover, they are still stuck with CUDA instead of moving on to OpenCL for the GPU support.
What are they waiting for?
Julia is much faster and gaining traction and its Toolboxes are improving by day.
Very Disappointing.
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