Put structure data into GUIDE table
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Douglas Anderson
on 28 Sep 2021
Commented: Douglas Anderson
on 1 Oct 2021
I would like to load data from a structure 'struc' into a GUIDE table 'file_table'. The structure has the following fields:
file_name: {8×1 cell}
serial_number: {8×1 cell}
event_date_time: {8×1 cell}
ppv: {8×1 cell}
shot_assignment: {8×2 cell}
instlocs: [8×2 double]
instadd: [8×1 string]
I just use
I have tried a whole bunch of changes to the structure (the structure is from someone else's coding), with no success. What am I doing wrong? I can trim the instlocs and shot_assignment fields to be 8x1.
Accepted Answer
Geoff Hayes
on 29 Sep 2021
Douglas - perhaps you need to convert the struct to a table before setting the uitable. Try using struct2table to see if that helps.
Geoff Hayes
on 30 Sep 2021
Douglas - once you convert the struct to a table, then convert the table to a cell array with table2cell. That will just give you the data (not the column headers). For example (from the struct2table function),
S.Name = {'CLARK';'BROWN';'MARTIN'};
S.Gender = {'M';'F';'M'};
S.SystolicBP = [124;122;130];
S.DiastolicBP = [93;80;92];
T = struct2table(S);
C = table2cell(T);
set(handles.uitable1, 'Data', C, 'ColumnName', T.Properties.VariableNames);
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