Align pre- and post- scans using imregister
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I am trying to align pre- and post treatment scans in order to highlight the differences. After adding a contrast agent there are more structures visible and I want to display just these ones that occur in the post scan, but not in the pre scan. I have attached both scans. Eventually I will work with 3D matrices. I am rotating the post scan and get close to a match, but despite using the command imregister I can't get the two pictures to fully match. I am using the following commands and am happy for any hints and recommendations. Thanks.
A= imread('11Tpre (296).jpg');
A = rgb2gray (A);
A = imcrop (A,[345 390 1179 1179]); %cropping image to a 1180 x 1180
B= imread('11Tpost (272).jpg');
B = rgb2gray (B);
B = imcrop (B,[435 370 1179 1179]); %cropping image to a 1180 x 1180
B = imrotate (B, 27.2,'bilinear', 'crop')
imshow (A)
% View misaligned images
% Get a configuration suitable for registering images from different
% sensors.
[optimizer, metric] = imregconfig('multimodal')
% Tune the properties of the optimizer to get the problem to converge
% on a global maxima and to allow for more iterations.
optimizer.InitialRadius = 0.009;
optimizer.Epsilon = 1.5e-4;
optimizer.GrowthFactor = 1.01;
optimizer.MaximumIterations = 300;
% Align the moving image with the fixed image
Breg = imregister (B,A,'affine', optimizer, metric);
% View registered images
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