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Heatmap and Contour figures in Matlab

2 views (last 30 days)
Suppose that I have this information that first column is feature one of a motor, Second column is feature two and column three is response (in this case performance of motor).
[34 56 100
12 12 80
7 6 60
3 4 20
1 1 10.5
0 0 1]
I want have something like heatmap or contour that for example I have a warmer (for instance red color) for first row in matrix and more light color for row two and etc. What should I do?

Accepted Answer

Arun Mathew Iype
Arun Mathew Iype on 22 Jul 2014
The 3D bar should be ideal for this. Please have a look at the sample below.
data =[34 56 100;
12 12 80 ;
7 6 60;
3 4 20;
1 1 10.5;
0 0 1];
%flipping the data to get a better view
h = bar3(flip(data',2));
You can also explore contour and pcolor for advanced options in the below links. There are examples provided there.
Arun Mathew Iype
Arun Mathew Iype on 22 Jul 2014
Heres a sample code:
% flip data in order to get proper plot using pcolor
data1 = flip(data,1)
% inserting values as pcolor ignores last row and column
data1(7,:) =[0 0 0]
data1(:,4) =[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
%plotting using pcolor
% inserting the color bar
Please "accept" the answer if its helpful
Jack on 24 Jul 2014
I think there is a problem in your charts. For example in bar3 I want have column 1 values as X, Column 2 values as Y and column 3 values as Z, but here you only plot 18 values separately.

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