How to save no variable

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MIHYUN on 14 Jul 2014
Commented: MIHYUN on 14 Jul 2014
This is my code.
Lat = 30;
Lon = 12;
base_url =[ ''];
formatSpec = '%4.6f';
LatLon = [num2str(Lat,formatSpec),',',num2str(Lon,formatSpec)];
request_url = [base_url '?latlng=' LatLon '&sensor=true_or_false']
docNode = urlread(request_url);
data = json.load(docNode);
n = size(data.results,2);
i = 1;
for i = 1:n
a = data.results(1,i).types(1,1);
b = data.results(1,i).formatted_address;
if strcmp(a,'country') == 1
else if strcmp(a,'locality') == 1
c = b;
name = load('name.mat','-mat');
N = struct2cell(name);
When you run the above code , the following message will appear. Variable 'c' not found.
So, I want to save as " no data " when there is no value of c or b as the message. What should I do?

Accepted Answer

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 14 Jul 2014
Edited: Azzi Abdelmalek on 14 Jul 2014
In your test assign something to your variable c
if strcmp(a,'country')
c='no data'
elseif strcmp(a,'locality')
c = b;
  1 Comment
MIHYUN on 14 Jul 2014
Thank you for helping me. But I have a question.
If error message is ' Variable 'b' not found.', is it same code?
(That is, Whenever change the value of latitude & longitude, It may or may not be exist the value of b and c.
And the value of c does not exist naturally if there is no value of b.)

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