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How to use SendKeys

11 views (last 30 days)
Nikolai on 11 Jul 2014
Commented: 大卫 杨 on 13 Oct 2022
Hello everybody,
!.) I try to command Siemens NX by Matlab and I tried to use Sendkeys:
h = actxserver('WScript.Shell'); h.Run ('"C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 9.0\UGII\ugraf.exe" -nx'); pause (3); h.AppActivate ('"C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 9.0\UGII\ugraf.exe" -nx'); h.SendKeys ('^N')
Matlab invokes NX; unfortenately no new file (--> strg+N) is opened! Why does it not work? Does somebody have an idea?
2.) My second possibility is to command Siemens NX by system:
status = system ('C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 8.5\UGII\ugraf.exe')
Matlab invokes NX but I have no idea how to go on?
Can somebody help me????
Kind regards,

Answers (1)

大卫 杨
大卫 杨 on 13 Oct 2022
I have the same question.

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