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Delete rows in single .txt files

1 view (last 30 days)
julro on 5 Jul 2014
Commented: Image Analyst on 6 Jul 2014
I have 30 .txt files where I would like to delete always the first three rows before creating one file for all 30 files...?
Thanks already!

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 5 Jul 2014
Before the loop open a file for output.
fOutput = fopen('output.txt, 'wt');
Then go into the loop opening the files (as per the FAQ). Call fgetl() three times and throw away/ignore the text you get back. Then continue on to the end of the file transferring the stuff to the output file
textLine = fgetl(fInput);
fprintf(fOutput, '%s\n', textLine);
Finally when all lines have been transferred, call fclose(fInput). Then when the loop is done, call fcope(fOputput). It's really easy - give it a try.
Sounds a little like homework, so I didn't just do the whole thing for you, even though it's trivial.
  1 Comment
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 6 Jul 2014
julro, were you able to complete the task using the method I outlined???

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