Creating a Word Index Structure Array

4 views (last 30 days)
Rick on 4 Jul 2014
Commented: Image Analyst on 4 Jul 2014
I am working on problem 2 in the attached PDF. When I run this right now, I get an error in my first conditional for if the word is not in the index. How do I say that the word does not exist in the index? Any other problems?
function Index = InsertDoc(Index, newDoc, DocNum)
IndexWords = {Index.Word};
for i = 1:numel(newDoc)
% If word is not in the Index
if isempty(Index) || Index(i).Words ~= IndexWords
Index(numel(IndexWords)+1).Word = newDoc{i};
Index(numel(IndexWords)+1).Documents = DocNum;
Index(numel(IndexWords)+1).Locations{end+1} = i;
% If the word does exist in the Index, but the occurance is unknown
% 1st occurance
if Index(i).Documents == DocNum
WordInIndex = strcmpi(newDoc{i},{Index.Word});
Index(WordInIndex).Documents = [Index(WordInIndex).Documents,DocNum];
% 2nd occurance or later
Index(WordInIndex.Locations{numel(Index(WordInIndex).Locations)+1}) = i;

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 4 Jul 2014
You didn't attach anything. But you might look at the ismember() and isempty() functions.
Rick on 4 Jul 2014
My bad, I attached it now
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 4 Jul 2014
I don't really know what you want to do. Do you think you can use either of those two functions?

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