Clear Filters
Clear Filters


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can any one tell me what does the floating point values mean in the following code

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darks = find(v <.2)'; lights = find(s < .05 & v > .85)'; h([darks lights])= -1; disp(length(darks)) black = length(darks)/pixels;[x,y, z]=size(I); white = length(lights)/pixels; red = length(find((h >.9167 | h <=.083) & h~=-1))/pixels; yellow=length(find(h >.083 & h<=.25))/pixels; green=length(find(h > .25 & h<= .4167))/pixels; cyan= length(find(h > .4167 & h<= .5833))/pixels; blue=length(find(h > .5833 & h <= .75))/pixels; magenta=length(find(h > .75 & h <= .9167))/pixels;
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Petr Dvorak
Petr Dvorak on 23 Jun 2014
Hi, I guess, the floating-point numbers are the treshold numbers which decide whether the point has particular properties. The first (0.05 and 0.85) decides whether the pixel is too light or dark. The other decides whether the color of selected pixels is red, yellow or so... Try to change the numbers and you will probably see color-distortion.

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