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Shifting a wave in time domain in simulink

21 views (last 30 days)
how to shift a wave in the time domain?? My situation:-i have a wave which has a some variations initially (say till time is 2) after this settling time i get my required stable wave..So i want to shift the signal like the value at time 2 must be assigned to time 0..and this signal i want it on the scope...
Transport delay or getting a zero till time 2 does not help..i want the wave to start from 2 itself
i think i am clear on my question...if you want some clarifications in the questions plz comment...
Awaiting for an answer from you folks...

Answers (2)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 9 Aug 2011
Set your simulation start time at 2.
Vinol Joy D'souza
Vinol Joy D'souza on 16 Aug 2011
Hoe do i get to know as to till what value i have to truncate...I mean how can one exactly truncate 2 cycle data without knowing its frequency....
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 16 Aug 2011
As you suggested earlier, use zero-crossing. You could visually inspect it if it just needs to be done occasionally. Or you can write a m-function to automate it. There got be a way. Otherwise, if there is no manual solution, how could a computer knows how to do it.

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Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind on 6 Aug 2011
The best you can do is to actually use a zero signal until time=2 and then switch to your actual signal - this can be done by using the Switch block where the control signal is driven by comparing the output of the Clock block to time>=2sec. One input is a constant zero and the other input is your actual signal.
Note that it does not make sense to have you signal start at time=2 itself. Since simulation starts at time=0, you need to provide your model some signal. You can always analyze your outputs such that everything for time<2sec is ignored.
Vinol Joy D'souza
Vinol Joy D'souza on 9 Aug 2011
Someone please answer my question...I am refreshing this page every hour eager to find replies...
Vinol Joy D'souza
Vinol Joy D'souza on 11 Aug 2011
Hi all,
I think i have got you all confused on my present problem.First of all sorry for that...
Actually I tried to simplify the problem and tried to present it to you in a simple way..But it is happening the other way round,it is getting much complex and i am searching for some other thing and answers by you are going some other way...Its probably my inability to express my problem...
Forget about all what i said above...Think this as a new question itself
Terms:-Sinestream with 2 signals ie 1st signal and 2nd signal
Imagine you have a sine stream of only 2 frequencies
So the wave has one frequency for a certain time(ie the 1st signal) and another frequency for the rest of the time(ie the 2nd signal)
i dont know the frequency of both the signals in the sinestream
Only thing i know is the 1st signal of the sinestream has only 2 complete cycles and the 2nd signal in the sinestream will continue till the stop time of the simulation
My intention here is to remove the 1st 2 cycles of the signal and get only the 2nd signal of the sinestream and i want the second signal exactly from its starting point
Starting my simulation at a certain time to remove the 1st signal wont work because i cannot find the exact point to start so as to not to truncate any part of the 2nd signal of the sinestream
Finally what i think is a solution to my problem is
check the zero crossings and eliminate signal till 4 zero crossings(which will eliminate the 2 cycles-ie the 1st signal) and get the signal from the 5th crossing onwards
by this i will probably eliminate my 1st signal and get only the second signal....But i dont know how to implement this in simulink
Plz suggest ideas or suggest your idea
Thank you very much for your support(both of you Kaustubha and Fangjun)

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