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Out-Sample normalization problem

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Jack on 3 Apr 2014
Commented: Greg Heath on 11 Apr 2014
Hi. I’m working on a binary classification system that I have 21 financial ratios and variables for inputs and my output is one of financial criteria that could be 0 or 1. Before insert data to my classification model (MLP, SVM or ELM) I normalize data (max/min mapping or whitening). My financial ratios are from companies’ statements so we have various size of companies in our data.
Otherwise I'm using 5-fold cross validation for designing my model. After design the model now I want use it by new data so I must normalize these data. I find that for Max-Min mapping I must use Maximum and Minimum of designing phase data-set and for whitening I must use mean and variance of it.
Suppose that in x-min/max-min, my new data set has a feature sample that x of it is lower than previous minimum so now this normalized feature (for that specific sample) is negative. This is not a problem? Is the output (1 or 0) true for this specific sample? Besides this in whittling method we can have same problem.

Accepted Answer

Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 3 Apr 2014
Edited: Greg Heath on 3 Apr 2014
Regardless of what you use in the model, I always standardize pre-modelling using zscore or mapstd to identify outliers for removal or modification.
Warning: Each dimension should be normalized separately.
P.S. If you use neural nets the default is mapminmax to [-1,1] and the hidden layer transfer functions are the odd function tanh.
Hope this helps
Thank you for formally accepting my answer
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 7 Apr 2014
Jack's second so-called "Answer" moved here:
Thank you again Greg.
I don’t use k-means clustering after employ other outlier detection techniques. Outlier detection using k-means clustering is an option for outlier detection in my system besides your proposed technique. So I can choose any of these two techniques. With regard to the above discussion, what is your idea about k-means clustering?
You mentioned that I can use ‘(x-meanx)/std > threshold of your choice ‘so your proposed technique does not consider all inputs (in my case: 21 variables) simultaneously and I can analyze one feature with it at a time. Is this true?
Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 11 Apr 2014
No. You consider all at once using matrix coding. I consider a 21 dimensional vector an outlier if one or more components is an outlier.
All MATLAB code is matrix based. So if you find one or more outlying components in a column of an input or target matrix, either modify or delete the column. Any target column corresponding to a deleted input must also be deleted and vice versa.

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