how to repeat a section of code changing file parameters
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i have a section of my code that reads an image from a file in a folder, it then processes that image and gives an output... i want the code to change the image file name at each cycle. for example; if image name is "image_1" it should then change to "image_2" and so on... this is the section of code so far:
% code
vid = videoinput('winvideo', 1);
set(vid, 'ReturnedColorSpace', 'RGB');
img = getsnapshot(vid);
%// this is where image is saved
counter = 1;
baseDir = 'C:\Users\Nakk\Documents\zvanhasi\Number_Plate_Extraction\';
baseName = 'Image_';
newName = fullfile(baseDir, sprintf('%s%d.jpg', baseName, counter));
while exist(newName,'file')
counter = counter + 1;
newName = fullfile(baseDir, sprintf('%s%d.jpg', baseName, counter));
imwrite(img, newName);
%and then this is the part that reads image from file and process it
f=imread('Image_1.jpg'); % Reading image file.
%then some processing steps
so i want the
to change to f=imread('Image_2'); f-imread('Image_3');
and so on....
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See Also
Find more on Image Acquisition Support Packages for Hardware Adaptors (Generic Video Interface) in Help Center and File Exchange
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