Neural Network ToolBox : Proper function to train multilabel data (Backpropogation )

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Hello,i m a matlab beginner..
Which Inbuilt functions are suitable to train multilabel dataset ? using backpropogation ?
i also want to :
1.take outputs of that function at output layer and then modify it (while training) after each epochs
2.after getting output , define our custom error measures like hamming loss ,ranking loss etc (specifically for multilabel classification)
i know how to modify it , but is it feasible to do all these things with inbuilt function?
if yes,then which function should be used here ? and where i can get its tutorials ?
Thank you for your consideration... Please Help !!
pooja on 20 Mar 2014
Your question :*What modifications do you want to do after each epoch?*
"after each training epochs , i want to access output layer and want to convert all the values in its corrosponding log values ,it will help in updating weights and bias values in hidden layer"
Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 25 Mar 2014
You are wrong in trying to manipulate after each epoch. It just makes training take longer. Perhaps using the entropy fnction for non-mutually exclusive classes will help.

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Accepted Answer

Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 20 Mar 2014
>Which Inbuilt functions are suitable to train multilabel dataset ? using backpropogation ?
Multilabel is just classification with non-exclusive classes.
Use patternnet with targets in {0,1}
HOWEVER, the relation between target and class indices is NO LONGER given by vec2ind and ind2vec.
>i also want to :
>1.take outputs of that function at output layer and then modify it (while training) after each epochs
You will have to train in a loop over 1 epoch design stages. Training time could be a problem.
>2.after getting output , define our custom error measures like hamming loss ,ranking loss etc (specifically for multilabel classification)
Wikipedia defines hamming loss. Never heard of ranking loss. How do you define it?
>i know how to modify it , but is it feasible to do all these things with inbuilt function? if yes,then which function should be used here ? and where i can get its tutorials ?
help patternnet
doc patternnet
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer

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