Is this correct approach for a single summation in time domain?
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Hey there,
I am trying to do a single summation of a function in the time domain. I got my code working, but I would feel more confident if someone would verify the correctness or point out my mistakes.
Here is also the formula for what I am trying to achieve:

Here is the code:
h = 100;
rho_w = 1025;
g = 9.81;
Ohm = [0.01:0.01:4]
Phase = rand(1,length(Ohm))*2*pi;
Amp = [1:1:400];
for i = 1:length(t)
P(i) = rho_w*g*sum(Amp.*Ohm.*cos(Ohm*t(i)+Phase))
Thanks a bunch!
1 Comment
on 15 Jan 2014
Edited: Skye
on 15 Jan 2014
it looks correct for the above equation, though you could make some general improvements:
replace (Ohm*t(i)+Phase)) with (Ohm*i+Phase)), because t(i) = i at all times; replace Amp = [1:1:400] with Amp = t, since they're the same, unless you to have amp different from t at some points (e.g amp = [1:0.5:200]); replace Ohm = [0.01:0.01:4] with Ohm = t/100, unless same reason as amp
Accepted Answer
Matt J
on 15 Jan 2014
Looks fine to me. I'll just point out that you could avoid the for-loop by doing
P = cos(bsxfun(@plus, t(:)*Ohm,Phase) )*(rho_w*g*Amp.*Ohm).';
More Answers (3)
on 15 Jan 2014
looks like P is going to return as a an vector of vectors. The dot operator will take the dot product of your ohm and amp vectors, and then throw in your function of t in those multiplications. When you run your for loop you are creating an indexed value for that time t, but for every amp and ohm value. I also don't see a sum() function so I doubt this code alone is accomplishing what you want done.
Sand Man
on 16 Jan 2014
Matt J
on 16 Jan 2014
Edited: Matt J
on 16 Jan 2014
It would be more efficient to do
for i = 1:length(t)
P(i) = rho_w*g*sum(Amp.*cos(Ohm*t(i)+Phase))).^2;
so that you don't end up doing the same summation computation twice.
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