power spectral density PSD?

10 views (last 30 days)
Mary Jon
Mary Jon on 28 Nov 2013
Commented: Youssef Khmou on 3 Dec 2013
If I am have signal with length(33),or 13 signals each with length(33), How finding PSD to each signal individually?and plot its individually?

Accepted Answer

Youssef  Khmou
Youssef Khmou on 29 Nov 2013
You can try this way :
t=linspace(0,1,33);% 1 seconde
P=13; % number of signals
for n=1:P
N=512; % number of points for computing DFT
frequency=(0:N-1)*Fs/N; % frequency axis
frequency=frequency(1:floor(end/2)); % One sided spectrum
for n=1:P
PSD(floor(end/2)+1:N,:)=[]; % one sided spectrum
% Plotting them all in one figure
Mary Jon
Mary Jon on 3 Dec 2013
Hello Youssef I note in your code above ,there is sin(),my data or signals is not pure sin,why you are used sin()?
If this is just example to show me how find PSD,how can I modified this code ,to finding PSD to my signals of length (33)?
when I am used this code
[Pxx(:,nn),Fxx] = periodogram(X(:,nn),[],64,1);
the final result not same result of your code?when plot two result of codes I get different plots?
Youssef  Khmou
Youssef Khmou on 3 Dec 2013
mary, they are the same, it is just a problem of scale, Fxx is the frequency axis and it is 33x1, then we should get the same number of points using fft:
hold on;
F1=fft(X(:,1),33*2); % 33*2 points
I used sinus just as example, Good luck mary

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More Answers (1)

Wayne King
Wayne King on 28 Nov 2013
Hi Mary, If you have the Signal Processing Toolbox, the easiest thing is to use periodogram()
I'll create some simulated signals. I'll assume your sampling frequency is 1.
X = randn(33,13);
for nn = 1:13
[Pxx(:,nn),Fxx] = periodogram(X(:,nn),[],64,1);
You can plot each one individually by selecting the column.
Mary Jon
Mary Jon on 30 Nov 2013
what is 512 in your code?
Youssef  Khmou
Youssef Khmou on 1 Dec 2013
512 is the number of points for calculating DFT, you can put any number, higher number gives good resolution, any number that is multiple of 2 (128,512,1024...) is faster DFT becomes FFT

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