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Data collection in the cloud with advanced data analysis using MATLAB

ThingSpeak™ is an IoT analytics service that allows you to aggregate, visualize, and analyze live data streams in the cloud. ThingSpeak provides instant visualizations of data posted by your devices to ThingSpeak. With the ability to execute MATLAB® code in ThingSpeak, you can perform online analysis and process data as it comes in. ThingSpeak is often used for prototyping and proof-of-concept IoT systems that require analytics.

You can send data from any internet-connected device directly to ThingSpeak using a Rest API or MQTT. In addition, cloud-to-cloud integrations with The Things Network, Senet, the Libelium Meshlium gateway, and enable sensor data to reach ThingSpeak over LoRaWAN® and 4G/3G cellular connections.

With ThingSpeak, you can store and analyze data in the cloud without configuring web servers, and you can create sophisticated event-based email alerts that trigger based on data coming in from your connected devices.

Get Started

Learn the basics of ThingSpeak

Configure Accounts and Channels

Information on ThingSpeak channels, users, and licenses

Write Data to Channel

Use the REST and MQTT APIs to update channels with software or devices

Read Data from Channel

Use the REST and MQTT APIs to read channels using software or devices

Prepare and Analyze Data

Filter, transform, and respond to data in MATLAB

Visualize Data

Transform and visualize data in MATLAB

Act on Data

Use ThingSpeak apps to trigger an action or transform and visualize data

Specialized Analysis with MATLAB

ThingSpeak examples that show use of the advanced tools available in add-on toolboxes

API Reference

Use the REST and MQTT APIs to update ThingSpeak channels and to chart numeric data stored in channels

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