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(Removed) Set of view components in architecture view

Since R2019b

    The systemcomposer.view.ViewArchitecture class has been removed. It has been replaced with the systemcomposer.view.View and the systemcomposer.view.ElementGroup classes. For further details, see Compatibility Considerations.


    A ViewArchitecture object describes a set of view components that make up a view. This object inherits from the systemcomposer.view.ViewElement object.


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    Name of architecture derived from the parent component or model name to which the architecture belongs, returned as a character vector.

    Example: name = get(objViewArchitecture,'Name')

    Data Types: char

    Control inclusion of referenced models, returned as a logical with values 1 (true) or 0 (false).

    Example: included = get(objViewArchitecture,'IncludeReferenceModels')

    Data Types: logical

    Color of view architecture, returned as a character vector as a name 'blue', 'black', or 'green' or as a RGB value encoded in a hexadecimal string '#FF00FF' or '#DDDDDD'. An invalid color string results in an error.

    Example: color = get(objViewArchitecture,'Color')

    Description of view architecture, returned as a character vector.

    Example: description = get(objViewArchitecture,'Description')

    Example: set(objViewArchitecture,'Description',description)

    Data Types: char

    Component that owns view architecture, returned as a systemcomposer.view.BaseViewComponent object. For a root view architecture, returns an empty handle.

    Example: parentComponent = get(objViewArchitecture,'Parent')

    Array of handles to the set of child components of this view architecture, returned as an array of systemcomposer.view.BaseViewComponent objects.

    Example: childComponents = get(objViewArchitecture,'Components')

    Object Functions

    addComponent(Removed) Add component to view given path
    removeComponent(Removed) Remove component from view
    createViewComponent(Removed) Create view component

    Version History

    Introduced in R2019b

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    R2021a: systemcomposer.view.ViewArchitecture object has been removed

    The systemcomposer.view.ViewArchitecture object is removed in R2021a with the introduction of new views programmatic interfaces. For more information on how to create and edit a view using the command line, see Create Architecture Views Programmatically.