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(Removed) Create view

Since R2019b

The createViewArchitecture function has been removed. You can create a view using the createView function. For further details, see Compatibility Considerations.


view = createViewArchitecture(model,name) creates an empty view with the given name and default color 'blue'.

view = createViewArchitecture(model,name,constraint) creates a view with the given name where the contents are populated by finding all components in the model that satisfy the provided query.

view = createViewArchitecture(model,name,constraint,groupBy) creates a view with the given name where the contents are populated by finding all components in the model that satisfy the provided query. The selected components are then grouped by the fully qualified property name.


view = createViewArchitecture(___,Name=Value) creates a view with additional options.


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m = systemcomposer.openModel('KeylessEntryArchitecture');

import systemcomposer.query.*;
myQuery = HasStereotype(IsStereotypeDerivedFrom('AutoProfile.SoftwareComponent'));

view = m.createViewArchitecture('Software Review Status',myQuery,...


Input Arguments

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Architecture model, specified as a systemcomposer.arch.Model object.

Name of view, specified as a character vector.

Data Types: char

Query, specified as a systemcomposer.query.Constraint object representing specific conditions.

A constraint can contain a subconstraint that can be joined with another constraint using AND or OR. A constraint can be negated using NOT.

Query Objects and Conditions for Constraints

Query ObjectCondition
PropertyA non-evaluated value for the given property or stereotype property.
PropertyValueAn evaluated property value from a System Composer object or a stereotype property.
HasConnectorA component has a connector that satisfies the given subconstraint.
HasPortA component has a port that satisfies the given subconstraint.
HasInterfaceA port has an interface that satisfies the given subconstraint.
HasInterfaceElementAn interface has an interface element that satisfies the given subconstraint.
HasStereotypeAn architecture element has a stereotype that satisfies the given subconstraint.
IsInRangeA property value is within the given range.
AnyComponentAn element is a component and not a port or connector.
IsStereotypeDerivedFrom A stereotype is derived from the given stereotype.

User-defined property, specified as an enumeration by which to group components.

Data Types: enum

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: createViewArchitecture(model,'Software Review Status',myQuery,'AutoProfile.BaseComponent.ReviewStatus','Color','red','IncludeReferenceModels',true)

Whether to search for reference architectures, or to not include referenced architectures, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'IncludeReferenceModels' and a logical 0 (false) to not include referenced architectures and 1 (true) to search for referenced architectures.

Example: 'IncludeReferenceModels',true

Data Types: logical

Color of view, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Color' and a character array that contains the name of the color or an RGB hexadecimal value.

Example: 'Color','blue'

Example: 'Color,'#FF00FF'

Data Types: char

Output Arguments

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Model architecture view created based on the specified query and properties, returned as a systemcomposer.view.ViewArchitecture object.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

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R2021a: createViewArchitecture function has been removed

The createViewArchitecture function is removed in R2021a with the introduction of a new set of views API. For more information on how to create and edit a view using the command line, see Create Architecture Views Programmatically.