Linear Regression Using Tables
This example shows how to perform linear and stepwise regression analyses using tables.
Load sample data.
load imports-85
Store predictor and response variables in a table.
tbl = table(X(:,7),X(:,8),X(:,9),X(:,15),'VariableNames',... {'curb_weight','engine_size','bore','price'});
Fit linear regression model.
Fit a linear regression model that explains the price of a car in terms of its curb weight, engine size, and bore.
ans = Linear regression model: price ~ 1 + curb_weight + engine_size + bore Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue __________ _________ _______ __________ (Intercept) 64.095 3.703 17.309 2.0481e-41 curb_weight -0.0086681 0.0011025 -7.8623 2.42e-13 engine_size -0.015806 0.013255 -1.1925 0.23452 bore -2.6998 1.3489 -2.0015 0.046711 Number of observations: 201, Error degrees of freedom: 197 Root Mean Squared Error: 3.95 R-squared: 0.674, Adjusted R-Squared: 0.669 F-statistic vs. constant model: 136, p-value = 1.14e-47
The command fitlm(tbl)
also returns the same result because fitlm
, by default, assumes the response variable is in the last column of the table tbl
Recreate table and repeat analysis.
This time, put the response variable in the first column of the table.
tbl = table(X(:,15),X(:,7),X(:,8),X(:,9),'VariableNames',... {'price','curb_weight','engine_size','bore'});
When the response variable is in the first column of tbl
, define its location. For example, fitlm
, by default, assumes that bore
is the response variable. You can define the response variable in the model using either:
fitlm(tbl,'ResponseVar',logical([1 0 0 0]));
Perform stepwise regression.
stepwiselm(tbl,'quadratic','lower','price~1',... 'ResponseVar','price')
1. Removing bore^2, FStat = 0.01282, pValue = 0.90997 2. Removing engine_size^2, FStat = 0.078043, pValue = 0.78027 3. Removing curb_weight:bore, FStat = 0.70558, pValue = 0.40195
ans = Linear regression model: price ~ 1 + curb_weight*engine_size + engine_size*bore + curb_weight^2 Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue ___________ __________ _______ __________ (Intercept) 131.13 14.273 9.1873 6.2319e-17 curb_weight -0.043315 0.0085114 -5.0891 8.4682e-07 engine_size -0.17102 0.13844 -1.2354 0.21819 bore -12.244 4.999 -2.4493 0.015202 curb_weight:engine_size -6.3411e-05 2.6577e-05 -2.386 0.017996 engine_size:bore 0.092554 0.037263 2.4838 0.013847 curb_weight^2 8.0836e-06 1.9983e-06 4.0451 7.5432e-05 Number of observations: 201, Error degrees of freedom: 194 Root Mean Squared Error: 3.59 R-squared: 0.735, Adjusted R-Squared: 0.726 F-statistic vs. constant model: 89.5, p-value = 3.58e-53
The initial model is a quadratic formula, and the lowest model considered is the constant. Here, stepwiselm
performs a backward elimination technique to determine the terms in the model. The final model is price ~ 1 + curb_weight*engine_size + engine_size*bore + curb_weight^2
, which corresponds to
where is price, is curb weight, is engine size, is bore, is the coefficient for the corresponding term in the model, and is the error term. The final model includes all three main effects, the interaction effects for curb weight and engine size and engine size and bore, and the second-order term for curb weight.
See Also
| fitlm
| stepwiselm