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Simulink Desktop Real-Time

Prototype and test control hardware in real time on your desktop computer

Simulink® Desktop Real-Time™ provides a real-time kernel for Windows®, Linux®, and macOS. It includes drag-and-drop Simulink I/O driver blocks that enable closed-loop control of physical systems from your desktop computer. The toolbox lets you connect to sensors, actuators, and other devices to prototype and test control systems without requiring dedicated real-time test equipment.

Simulink Desktop Real-Time supports I/O devices such as DAQ boards, CAN devices, and USB webcams.

Get Started

Learn the basics of Simulink Desktop Real-Time

Model Preparation for Real-Time Simulation

Predefined and custom I/O driver blocks, code generation parameters, real-time kernel

Real-Time Simulation

Real-time target; Connected IO mode, accelerator mode, and Run in Kernel mode; sample rate; real-time scope parameters

Parameter Tuning

Tunable block parameters, tunable global parameters, Dashboard blocks, MATLAB® scripting

Signal Logging

Data logging to workspace or file, external mode scope triggering

Troubleshooting in Simulink Desktop Real-Time

Troubleshoot problems that you encounter while using the Simulink Desktop Real-Time product

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