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Steady State Manager

Find operating points for Simulink models


Steady State Manager lets you compute steady-state operating points for Simulink® models.

Using this app, you can:

  • Interactively obtain operating points from state, input, and output specifications

  • Validate operating points against specifications

  • Interactively obtain operating points from simulation snapshots

  • Generate MATLAB® code for computing operating points

Steady State Manager app

Open the Steady State Manager App

  • Simulink Toolstrip: On the Apps tab, under Control Systems, click the app icon.

  • Simulink Toolstrip: On the Linearization tab, click Steady State Manager.


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When using Steady State Manager, you can import any of the following types of objects from either the MATLAB workspace or a MAT-file.

  • Operating point

  • Operating point specification

  • Operating point report

To import an object, on the Steady State tab, click Import.

The Import item in the toolstrip is the third item from the left on the Steady State tab.

In the Import Operating Point dialog box, to import an object from:

  • The MATLAB workspace, select Base Workspace.

  • A MAT-file, select MAT File. Then, enter the file name in the text field. To browse for a MAT-file, click Browse.

Export dialog with the Import from section at the top. Below, is a table with three columns from left to right: Import, Operating Points, Type.

The table lists the objects that are available for importing. The Operating Points column shows the object name, and the Type column shows the object type.

In the Import column, select one or more objects to import.

Click Import. The software adds the selected item to the corresponding pane of the Steady State Manager data browser.

You can export any of the following types of objects to the MATLAB workspace.

  • Operating point

  • Operating point specification

  • Operating point report

To export an object, on the Steady State tab, click Export.

The Export item in the toolstrip is the rightmost item on the Steady State tab.

You can also click Export from the Specification, Operating Point, or Report tab.

The Export Operating Point dialog box contains a table of operating objects to export.

Export dialog with three columns from left to right: Export, Operating Point, Export As.

In the Export column, select one or more objects to export.

In the Export as column, specify the names of the workspace variables in which to save the objects.

Click Export.

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Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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