Check safety-related diagnostic settings for type conversions
Check ID:
Check model configuration for diagnostic settings that apply to type conversions and that can impact safety.
This check verifies that model diagnostic configuration parameters pertaining to type conversions are set optimally for generating code for a safety-related application.
Available with Simulink® Check™.
Results and Recommended Actions
Condition | Recommended Action |
The diagnostic that detects Data Type Conversion
blocks when the type conversion is set to
none .
The Simulink software might remove unnecessary Data Type
Conversion blocks from generated code, which might result in
requirements without corresponding code. The removal of these blocks
needs to be identified so model developers can explicitly remove the
unnecessary blocks. | Set the Unnecessary type
conversions Configuration Parameter
orUnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg parameter to
warning . |
The diagnostic that detects vector-to-matrix or matrix-to-vector
conversions at block inputs is set to
or warning . When the Simulink software automatically converts between vector and matrix
dimensions, unintended operations or unpredictable behavior can
occur. | Set the Vector/matrix
block input conversion Configuration Parameter
or VectorMatrixConversionMsg parameter to
error |
The diagnostic that detects when a 32-bit integer value is converted
to a floating-point value is set to
none .
This type of conversion can result in a loss of precision due to
truncation of the least significant bits for large integer values. | Set the 32-bit integer to single precision float
conversion Configuration Parameter or
Int32ToFloatConvMsg parameter to
warning . |
Action Results
Clicking Modify Settings configures model diagnostic settings that apply to type conversions and that can impact safety.
Capabilities and Limitations
Does not run on library models.
Does not allow exclusions of blocks or charts.
See Also