Check model file name
Check ID:
This check inspects the model file name to ensure that the name complies with the recommended guidelines.
Available with Simulink® Check™.
Results and Recommended Actions
Condition | Recommended Action |
The file name contains illegal characters. | Rename the file. Allowed characters are a–z, A–Z, 0–9, and underscore (_). |
The file name starts with a number. | Make sure that the file name does not start with a number. |
The file name starts with an underscore ("_"). | Make sure that the file name does not start with an underscore ("_"). |
The file name ends with an underscore ("_"). | Make sure that the file name does not end with an underscore ("_"). |
The file extension contains one or more underscores. | Change the file extension. |
The file name has consecutive underscores. | Rename the file to eliminate trailing underscore. |
The file name contains more than one dot ("."). | Make sure that the file name does not have more than one dot ("."). |
The file name is a C/C++ or MATLAB keyword or built in function | Rename the file. |
File name does not have more than 2 and less than 64 characters. | Make sure that the file name has a minimum of 2 and maximum of 64 supported characters. |
Capabilities and Limitations
Runs on library models and System Composer™ models.
See Also