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Build options

Defines how Simulink® Coder™ software responds when you press Ctrl+B to build your model.

Build action

Default: Build, load, and run

Build, load, and run

With this option, pressing Ctrl+B or clicking Build Model:

  1. Generates code from the model.

  2. Compiles and links the code into a shared object called

  3. Detects if a Parrot® minidrone is connected over Bluetooth®.

  4. Loads the into the connected Parrot minidrone.

  5. Runs the in the Parrot minidrone.


With this option, pressing Ctrl+B or clicking Build Model:

  1. Generates code from the model.

  2. Compiles and links the code into a shared object called

This option does not load and run the on the Parrot minidrone.

Launch Parrot Flight Control Interface automatically after build

This parameter is used to enable the automatic launch of the Parrot Flight Control Interface after the build is successful. The Parrot Flight Control Interface can be used to:

  • Change the power gain of motors on the drone

  • Change the flight time

  • Start and stop the motors

  • Obtain the flight log and the MAT file


Default: on

Enable profiling

This parameter is used to enable profiling of the generated code after you run the Simulink model on the target Parrot minidrone. Profiling helps you to evaluate the performance and also helps in analyzing the function run-time in the code deployed on Parrot minidrone.


Default: off

Enable Take-off of drone if the surface is tilted

This parameter is used to enable the take-off of the Parrot minidrone even if the drone is kept on a tilted surface. Before initiating take-off of the drone on a tilted surface, ensure that you adhere to the necessary safety precautions.


Default: on

Abort flight at high accelerations

This parameter is used to abort the flight of Parrot minidrone if high acceleration of the drone is detected. Selecting this parameter helps to prevent unexpected behavior of the drone during its flight.


Default: off

Maximum acceleration of drone before safety abort

This parameter is used to set the maximum acceleration (in ㎨) that is allowed beyond which the flight is aborted. This parameter is visible only if you select the option Abort flight at high accelerations.


Default: 60 (maximum)

Disable parallel build

By default, the build process makes use of multiple cores on the processor of the host computer. This reduces the compilation time.

In case of any build failures, the error messages may not be in order and hard to debug. In such scenarios, you can disable this option using Hardware Implementation > Target Hardware Resources > Build options > Disable parallel build.

  • off - When you clear the selection, the support package compiles the generated code parallely. Parallel execution reduces the time taken to build the model.

  • on - When you select this option, the support package compiles the generated code in a sequential order.

See Also