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Noise Figure Testbench

Measures noise figure of system

  • Noise Figure Testbench block

RF Blockset / Circuit Envelope / Testbenches


Use the Noise Figure Testbench to measure the noise figure (NF) of an RF device under test (DUT).



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Select to use testbench internal configuration block. Clear this parameter to specify your own configuration block.


When using your own configuration block, parameters such as step size, fundamental tones, harmonic order, and simulate noise may affect the measured results.

Select to enable noise modeling in the stimulus signal entering the DUT and inside the DUT. In the NF testbench, this parameter is permanently disabled because stimulus noise is required for meaningful noise calculation.


To enable this parameter, select Use internal Configuration block.

Input power to DUT, specified as a scalar in dBm. You can change the input power by entering the value in the text box or selecting a value using the knob. The specified input power represents the power available at the input ports of the DUT. The valid values are between -90 dBm and 60 dBm.

Carrier frequency of the DUT, specified as a scalar in Hz. Input frequency must greater than baseband bandwidth.

Output frequency of DUT, specified as a scalar in Hz. Output frequency must greater than baseband bandwidth.

Baseband bandwidth of input signal, specified as a scalar in Hz. The value must be greater than zero.

Source impedance to measure DUT, specified as a complex finite scalar in ohms. The real part of the impedance must be positive.

Use this button to clear noise history used for internal noise measurement. When a DUT has an initial settling time duration, it is recommended to clear noise history after this duration. This improves the accuracy and convergence of noise measurement.

Select to view response spectrum using a spectrum scope during simulation.

Select to internally ground and hide the negative terminals. Clear to expose the negative terminals. By exposing these terminals, you can connect them to other parts of your model.


[1] Razavi, Behzad. RF Microelectronics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2011.

[2] Grob, Siegfried and, Jurgen Lindner. “Polynomial Model Derivation of Nonlinear Amplifiers”. Department of Information Technology, University of Ulm, Germany.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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