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Class: matlab.DiscreteEventSystem
Namespace: matlab

Cancel previously scheduled resource acquisition event


event = cancelAcquireResource(tag)


event = cancelAcquireResource(tag) cancels a previously scheduled resource acquisition event.

Input Arguments

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Tag of the previously scheduled resource acquisition event to be canceled.

Output Arguments

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Event for canceling the previously scheduled resource acquisition.


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Cancel a resource acquisition event when the previously scheduled resource acquisition event times out.

function [entity,events] = timer(obj,storage,entity,tag)  
    % Assume that eventTimer() defines a timer with tag and that there is a previously 
    % scheduled resource acquisition event with 'loadingWorker' tag.
    event = obj.cancelAcquireResource('loadingWorker');  
    % This cancels the 'loadingWorker' acquisition event when the timer finishes.   

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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