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Copy library to disk


sbiocopylibrary ('kineticlaw','LibraryFileName')
sbiocopylibrary ('unit','LibraryFileName')


sbiocopylibrary ('kineticlaw','LibraryFileName') copies all user-defined kinetic law definitions to the file LibraryFileName.sbklib and places the copied file in the current directory.

sbiocopylibrary ('unit','LibraryFileName') copies all user-defined units and unit prefixes to the file LibraryFileName.sbulib.

To get the kinetic law definitions that are in the built-in or user-defined libraries, first create a root object using sbioroot, then use the commands get(rootObj.BuiltInLibrary, 'KineticLaws') or get(rootObj.UserDefinedLibrary, 'KineticLaws').

To add a kinetic law definition to the user-defined library, use sbioaddtolibrary.

To add a unit to the user-defined library, use sbiounit followed by sbioaddtolibrary. To add a unit prefix to the user-defined library, use sbiounitprefix followed by sbioaddtolibrary.


Create a kinetic law definition, add it to the user-defined library, and then copy the user-defined kinetic law library to a .sbklib file.

  1. Create a kinetic law definition.

    abstkineticlawObj = sbioabstractkineticlaw('mylaw1', '(k1*s)/(k2+k1+s)');
  2. Add the new a kinetic law definition to the user-defined library.


    sbioaddtolibrary adds the kinetic law definition to the user-defined library. You can verify this using sbiowhos.

    sbiowhos -kineticlaw -userdefined
    SimBiology Abstract Kinetic Law Array
    Index:    Library:       Name:        Expression:
      1       UserDefined    mylaw1    (k1*s)/(k2+k1+s)  
  3. Copy the user-defined kinetic law library.

    sbiocopylibrary ('kineticlaw','myLibFile')
  4. Verify with sbiowhos.

    sbiowhos -kineticlaw myLibFile

Version History

Introduced in R2006a

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