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Simulink Summary Table

Properties or parameters of specified Simulink models, systems, blocks, or signals in table


This component displays properties or parameters of selected Simulink® models, systems, blocks, or signals in a table.

Object type

Choose the object type to display in the generated report.

  • Block (Default)

  • Model

  • System

  • Signal

  • Annotation

The selected object type affects the options available in the Property Columns pane.


Specify information about the table.

  • Table title: Specifies the table title in the generated report.

    • Automatic: Use the automatically generated title.

    • Custom: Specify a custom title.

Property Columns

This pane displays object properties to include in the Summary Table in the generated report.

  • To add a property:

    1. Select the appropriate property level in the text box on the left.

    2. In the text box on the right, select the property that you want to add and click Add.

  • To delete a property, select the property name and click Delete.

The Parent property column displays only the name of the parent system. To display the full path of the parent system, specify the property as parent with a lowercase p.

%<SplitDialogParameters> is a unique property for Simulink Summary Tables, where the object type is Block. This property generates multiple summary tables, organized by block type. Each Summary Table group contains the dialog box parameters for that block.

Some entries in the list of available properties (such as Depth) are “virtual” properties that you cannot access using the get_param command. The properties used for property/value filtering in the block and System Loop components must be retrievable by the get_param. Therefore, you cannot configure your Summary Table to report on all blocks of Depth == 2.

You can create multiple values for a property in a Simulink Summary Table. For example, to report on blocks of type Inport, Outport and Constant:

  1. Check the Search for Simulink property name/property value pairs box.

  2. Make sure that you set Property Name to BlockType.

  3. Type the following text into the Property Value field:


Remove empty columns: Removes empty columns from the table.

Transpose table: Changes the summary table rows into columns in the generated report, putting the property names in the first column and the values in the other columns.

Object Rows

  • Insert anchor for each row: Inserts an anchor for each row in the summary table.

  • Report On:

    • Automatic list from context: Reports on all blocks in the current context, as set by the parent component.

    • Custom - use block list: Reports on a list of specified blocks. Specify the full path of each block.

Loop Options

  • Sort blocks

    • Alphabetically by block name: Sorts blocks alphabetically by name.

    • Alphabetically by system name: Sorts systems alphabetically by name. Lists blocks in each system, but in no particular order.

    • Alphabetically by full Simulink path: Sorts blocks alphabetically by Simulink path.

    • By block type: Sorts blocks alphabetically by block type.

    • By block depth: Sorts blocks by their depth in the model.

    • By layout (left to right): Sorts blocks by their location in the model layout, by rows. The block appearing the furthest toward the left top corner of the model is the anchor for the row. The row contains all other blocks that overlap the horizontal area defined by the top and bottom edges of the anchor block. The other rows use the same algorithm, using as the anchor the next unreported block nearest the left top of the model.

      Blocks sorted by their location in the model layout by rows, from left to right. The block on the farthest left toward the top is the anchor for the row.

    • By layout (top to bottom): Sorts blocks by their location in the model layout, by columns. The block appearing the furthest toward the left top corner of the model is the anchor for the column. The column contains all other blocks that overlap the vertical area defined by the left and right edges of the anchor block. The other columns use the same algorithm, using as the anchor the next unreported block nearest the left top of the model.

    • By traversal order: Sorts blocks by traversal order.

    • By simulation order: Sorts blocks by execution order.

    • %<VariableName>: Inserts the value of a variable from the MATLAB® workspace. The %<> notation can denote a string or cell array. For more information, see %<VariableName> Notation on the Text component reference page.

  • Search for Simulink property name/property value pairs: Reports only on the Simulink blocks with the specified property name-value pairs. To enable searching, click the check box. In the first row of the property name and property value table, click inside the edit box, delete the existing text, and type the property name and value.

    To find property names for blocks, use the get_param function or select a block in the model and enter this code at the MATLAB command line:



Specify the following options to generate a Summary Table in a report for on the model f14:

  • Sort on systems by system depth.

  • Include the system parameters Name and Block in the table.

The following table appears in the report.




u, Actuator Model, Aircraft Dynamics Model, Angle of Attack, Controller, Dryden Wind Gust Models, Gain, Gain1, Gain2, Gain5, More Info, More Info1, Nz pilot calculation, Pilot, Pilot G force Scope, Stick Input, Sum, Sum1, alpha (rad), Nz Pilot (g)

Aircraft Dynamics Model

Elevator Deflection d (deg), Vertical Gust wGust (ft/sec), Rotary Gust qGust (rad/sec), Gain3, Gain4, Gain5, Gain6, Sum1, Sum2, Transfer Fcn.1, Transfer Fcn.2, Vertical Velocity w (ft/s), Pitch Rate q (rad/s)


Stick Input (in), alpha (rad), q (rad/s), Alpha-sensor Low-pass Filter, Gain, Gain2, Gain3, Pitch Rate Lead Filter, Proportional plus integral compensator, Stick Prefilter, Sum, Sum1, Sum2, Elevator Command (deg)

Dryden Wind Gust Models

Band-Limited White Noise, Q-gust model, W-gust model, Wg, Qg

More Info


More Info1


Nz pilot calculation

w, q, Constant, Derivative, Derivative1, Gain1, Gain2, Product, Sum1, Pilot g force (g)

Insert Anything into Report?

Yes. Table.

