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Hardware Requirements for Acquiring ADC data Using TI mmWave Radar and DCA1000EVM

The Hardware Setup window guides you through the hardware connections required to set up DCA1000EVM before reading raw ADC data (IQ data).

For detailed steps on setting up the hardware connection and selecting the correct Power selection switch on DCA1000EVM, run mmWaveRadarSetup command in MATLAB command window to run the Hardware Setup process and refer to the detailed instructions displayed on each screen.

The setup requires these components:

TI mmWave Radar EVM TI mmWave Radar EVM that supports reading raw ADC data (IQ data) by connecting to DCA1000EVM (see Supported Boards)
Micro USB Cable (USB Cable Type A to Micro B)This cable is used to connect the TI mmWave sensor to the host computer. This connection is used to download the required binary to the radar and configure the radar.
DCA1000 EVMDCA1000 evaluation module for real-time data capture and streaming.
Ethernet CableOne end will be plugged into the DCA1000EVM and the other to your computer for high speed data transfer. This cable is usually shipped with DCA1000EVM kit.

Samtec ribbon cable

Cable that is used to connect DCA1000EVM and TI mmWave radar board, and transfers raw ADC data from TI Radar to DCA1000EVM.

Samtec cable is not necessary if you are using the TI Radar boards IWR6843ISK, AWR6843ISK, IWR6843AOPEVM and AWR6843AOPEVM. These boards can be directly connected to DCA1000EVM. However, using the Samtec cable provides more spacing between the boards.

This cable is usually shipped with DCA1000EVM kit.

Barrel Jack Power Supply

Power Supply 5V, 3A with 2.1-mm barrel jack (center positive).

This is required to power the DCA1000EVM board.

If you are using the TI Radar board IWR1642BOOST or AWR1642BOOST, use one more power supply to power the radar board. It is possible to use one power supply to power the TI Radar board and configure DCA1000EVM to derive the power from the radar board. However, this configuration does not work for all radar configurations. Hence, it is recommended that you to use separate power supplies if you are using IWR1642BOOST and AWR1642BOOST boards.

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