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Update saved session of Mixed Signal Analyzer app

Since R2023a


msaSessionUpdate(sessionFileName='msa.mat') updates the saved session msa.mat in the Mixed Signal Analyzer app using the adeInfo database while working from an active Cadence® Virtuoso® ADE session.

The function also generates a report of the plots that got updated at the end of the update process.

msaSessionUpdate(sessionFileName='msa.mat',updateMatFileName='Interactive.1.mat') updates the saved session msa.mat in the Mixed Signal Analyzer app using the simulation file 'Interactive.1.mat'. You can generate the simulation mat file using the function adeinfo2msa.

Input Arguments

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Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: msaSessionUpdate(sessionFileName='clockBuffSession.mat',updateMatFileName='Interactive.10.mat',msaVisibility=false) updates the session mat file clockBufferSession.mat using the simulation file Interactive.10.mat and closes the Mixed-Signal Analyzer app session after creating a ppt report..

Example: msaSessionUpdate(sessionFileName='clockBuffSession.mat',reportType='pdf') updates the session mat file clockBufferSession.mat using the sing the adeInfo database while working from an active Cadence Virtuoso® ADE session and creates a pdf report.

MAT file name for the Mixed-Signal Analyzer app session with configured waveforms and trend chart plots that you want to update.

Data Types: string

The directory location of the saved Mixed-Signal Analyzer app session mat file.

If you are working from an active Cadence Virtuoso® ADE session, by default the function looks for the session file in the maestro/documents folder. Otherwise, the function looks for the session file in the present working directory.

Data Types: string

The mat file containing the latest Cadence simulation data. The function uses the contents of this file to update all the plots in the Mixed-Signal Analyzer app session.

If you are not working from an active Cadence Virtuoso® ADE session, you need to provide this information.

Data Types: string

The directory location of the updated simulation mat file. By default, the function looks for the updated simulation mat file in the current working directory.

Data Types: string

The type of report file the function creates at the end of the update operation.

Data Types: string

The name of the report file where the function saves the report.

Data Types: string

The title text that shows up in the report.

Data Types: string

The destination directory where the function saves the report.

If you are working from an active Cadence Virtuoso® ADE session, by default the function saves the report in the maestro/documents folder. Otherwise, the function saves the report in the present working directory.

Data Types: string

Determine whether to keep the Mixed Signal Analyzer app session visible during the update operation. By default, the session is kept visible.

Data Types: string

Version History

Introduced in R2023a

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