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Lock Time Measurement

Measure time a PLL takes to reach target frequency within given tolerance

  • Lock Time Measurement block

Mixed-Signal Blockset / PLL / Measurements & Testbenches


The Lock Time Measurement block measures the lock time of a phase-locked loop (PLL) system. Lock time is the time required by the PLL to reach the target frequency within the given error tolerance.



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Input clock signal to the Lock Time Measurement block, specified as a scalar. The pll out port is connected to the output of a PLL system.

Data Types: double


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Time at which locking takes place in a PLL system, returned as a real positive scalar in seconds.

Data Types: double


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Target operating frequency of the PLL device under test (DUT) to measure the lock time of the PLL, specified as a real positive scalar in Hz.

Programmatic Use

  • Use get_param(gcb,'TargetFreq') to view the current value of Target frequency.

  • Use set_param(gcb,'TargetFreq',value) to set Target frequency to a specific value.

Error tolerance for lock time measurement, specified as a real positive scalar in Hz.

Programmatic Use

  • Use get_param(gcb,'FreqErrorTol') to view the current value of Error tolerance.

  • Use set_param(gcb,'FreqErrorTol',value) to set Error tolerance to a specific value.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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