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Integrate Your LMS Using LTI 1.1

These instructions are for LMS administrators responsible for adding external applications to the learning management system. If at any point in this process you require help integrating MATLAB® Grader™ with your LMS using LTI 1.1, contact MathWorks Technical Support.


As of June 30, 2021, IMS no longer issues new certifications for products using legacy versions of LTI : 1.0, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2, and 2.0. Existing certifications for those versions expired June 30, 2022. To integrate with MATLAB Grader using an IMS certified implementation method, institutions and suppliers (LMS vendors) can adopt LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage. For more information, see Security Update and Deprecation Schedule for Early Versions of LTI.


Some links require a third-party vendor login.


For all text that you copy and then paste into the integration fields, make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces in the text, otherwise the integration might not work.

Integrate MATLAB Grader with Blackboard Learn (Blackboard)—LTI 1.1

Manage Global Property Settings

  1. Go to the Admin or System Admin panel.

  2. Under Integrations, select LTI Tool Providers.

  3. Select Manage Global Properties.

  4. Under Feature Availability, set "Allow configured tool providers to post grades" to Yes.

  5. Click Submit.

Get LTI 1.1 Credentials

Go to Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) credentials in MATLAB Grader.

  1. In MATLAB Grader, go to LMS Integration.

  2. Select Blackboard from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Generate Key and Secret. Copy these values and the launch URL.

Register LTI 1.1 Provider

Go to Learning Tools Interoperability on Blackboard® for instructions on adding a new LTI 1.1 tool provider.

  1. Follow the instructions under the heading Add an LTI 1.1 Tool Provider.

    • For Provider Domain, enter "".

    • For Provider Domain Status, select Approved.

    • For Default Configuration, select Set Globally.

    • For Tool Provider Key, enter the MATLAB Grader key that you generated in the first step.

    • For Tool Provider Secret, enter the MATLAB Grader secret that you generated in the first step.

    • For Send User Data, select either Send user data only using SSL or Send user data over any connection.

    • For User Fields to Send, select Role in Course. Do not select Name or Email Address.

  2. Follow the instructions under the heading How to create a Placement.

    • For Label, use "MATLAB Grader" to make it easier to find by instructors adding MATLAB Grader coding problems to their course in Blackboard Learn.

    • For Type, select Course content tool and Allows grading.

    • For Tool Provider URL, enter the launch URL that you obtained in the first step.

    • Click Submit.

Next Steps

Instructors can now add MATLAB Grader problems to an LMS course, see Add MATLAB Grader Assessment Items to LMS Course.

Integrate MATLAB Grader with Brightspace (D2L)—LTI 1.1

Get LTI 1.1 Credentials

Go to Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) credentials in MATLAB Grader.

  1. In MATLAB Grader, go to LMS Integration.

  2. Select Brightspace (DL2) from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Generate Key and Secret. Copy these values and the launch URL.

Add MATLAB Grader to Brightspace External Tools

To add MATLAB Grader to Brightspace® external tools:

  1. Sign in to Brightspace.

  2. Go to Admin Tools > External Learning Tools > Manage Tool Providers.

  3. Click New Tool Provider.

    • For Launch Point, enter the launch URL that you copied above. Do not include the https:// or /launch.

    • Set Version to 1.1.

    • Set OAuth Signature Method to HMAC-SHA1.

    • For Secret, enter the MATLAB Grader secret that you generated in the first step.

    • Under Tool Consumer Information, check Use custom tool information instead of default.

    • For Key, enter the MATLAB Grader key that you generated in the first step.

    • For Name, use "MATLAB Grader" to make it easier to find by instructors adding MATLAB Grader coding problems to their courses.

    • Under Visibility, select Allow users to use this tool provider.

    • Under Security Settings, select:

      • Send context information to tool provider

      • Send LTI user ID and LTI role list to tool provider

      • Send link title to tool provider

      • Send link description to tool provider

    • Under Make tool provider available to, click Add Org Units. Select the courses to grant access to MATLAB Grader. Click the box in the top left of the table to select all courses.

    When you have completed the required information, click Save and Close.

  4. Go to Admin Tools > IMS Configuration to set roles.




    Must contain one

    Must not contain any












    Not applicable

  5. Go to Admin Tools > Permissions.

    • From the Filter by Role drop-down menu, select Instructor.

    • From the Filter by Tool drop-down menu, select External Learning Tools.

    • In the Organization column, select Launch External Learning Tool Links.

    • In the Course Offering column, select:

      • Launch External Learning Tool Links

      • Manage External Learning Tool Links

      • Create External Learning Tool Links from available External Learning Tool Providers

    • From the Filter by Role drop-down menu, select Student.

    • In the Organization column, select Launch External Learning Tool Links.

    • In the Course Offering column, select Launch External Learning Tool Links.

If you have been granted permission to manage external learning tool links, underneath the problem, you have an option for assigning points and integrating them into the gradebook.


Next Steps

Instructors can now add MATLAB Grader problems to an LMS course, see Add MATLAB Grader Assessment Items to LMS Course.

Integrate MATLAB Grader with Canvas (Instructure)—LTI 1.1

Get LTI 1.1 Credentials

Go to Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) credentials in MATLAB Grader.

  1. In MATLAB Grader, go to LMS Integration.

  2. Select Canvas from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Generate Key and Secret. Copy these values and the launch URL.

Add External Tool

See How do I configure a manual entry external app for a course? for instructions on adding an app.

  • For the integration name, use "MATLAB Grader" to make it easier to find by instructors adding MATLAB Grader coding problems to their courses.

  • For Consumer Key, enter the MATLAB Grader key that you generated in the first step.

  • For Shared Secret, enter the MATLAB Grader secret that you generated in the first step.

  • For Launch URL, enter the launch URL that you obtained in the first step.

  • Domain can be blank.

  • Set Privacy to Anonymous.

When you have completed adding the app, click Submit.

Next Steps

Instructors can now add MATLAB Grader problems to an LMS course, see Add MATLAB Grader Assessment Items to LMS Course.

Integrate MATLAB Grader with Moodle—LTI 1.1

Get LTI 1.1 Credentials

Go to Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) credentials in MATLAB Grader.

  1. In MATLAB Grader, go to LMS Integration.

  2. Select Moodle from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Generate Key and Secret. Copy these values and the launch URL.

Add External Tool

  1. Sign in to Moodle™.

  2. Go to Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > External tool > Manage tools.

  3. In Manage tools, click configure a tool manually.

    • For Tool Name, use "MATLAB Grader" to make it easier to find by instructors adding MATLAB Grader coding problems to their courses.

    • For Tool URL, enter the launch URL that you obtained in the first step.

    • For Consumer Key, enter the MATLAB Grader key that you generated in the first step.

    • For Shared Secret, enter the MATLAB Grader secret that you generated in the first step.

    • Set Tool configuration usage to Show in activity chooser and as a preconfigured tool.

    • Under Privacy:

      • Set both Share launcher's name with tool and Share launcher's email with tool to Never.

      • Set Accept grades from the tool to Always.

    When you have completed the required information, click Save changes.

Next Steps

Instructors can now add MATLAB Grader problems to an LMS course, see Add MATLAB Grader Assessment Items to LMS Course.

Integrate MATLAB Grader with Open edX—LTI 1.1

Get LTI 1.1 Credentials

Go to Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) credentials in MATLAB Grader.

  1. In MATLAB Grader, go to LMS Integration.

  2. Select Other from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Generate Key and Secret. Copy these values and the launch URL.

Add LTI Tool

Enable LTI components in a course. You perform LTI at the course level.

  1. From the course Studio page, select Settings > Advanced Settings.

  2. For Advanced Module List, enter [ "lti_consumer" ].

  3. For LTI Passports, enter the LTI passport string using the format ["id:client_key:client_secret" ].

    • For id, use matlab.

    • For client key, use the MATLAB Grader key generated in the first step.

    • For client secret, use the MATLAB Grader secret generated in the first step.

  4. Click Save Changes.

For additional details, refer to the Open edX® instructions in LTI Component.

Next Steps

Instructors can now add MATLAB Grader problems to an LMS course, see Add MATLAB Grader Assessment Items to LMS Course.

Integrate MATLAB Grader with Sakai—LTI 1.1

Get LTI 1.1 Credentials

Go to Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) credentials in MATLAB Grader.

  1. In MATLAB Grader, go to LMS Integration.

  2. Select Other from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Generate Key and Secret. Copy these values and the launch URL.

Add External Tool

  1. Sign in to Sakai® and go to the Administration Workspace.

  2. From the Tool menu, select External Tools.

  3. Click Installed Tools.

  4. Click the Install LTI 1.1 Tool link.

    • For Tool Title, use "MATLAB Grader" to make it easier to find by instructors adding MATLAB Grader coding problems to their courses. Allow instructors to change Tool Title.

    • For Button Text, use MATLAB Grader.

    • Set Tool Status to Enabled.

    • For Launch URL, enter the launch URL that you obtained in the first step.

    • For Launch Key, enter the MATLAB Grader key that you generated in the first step.

    • For Launch Secret, enter the MATLAB Grader secret that you generated in the first step.

    • Under Privacy Settings, ensure all options are unselected.

    • Under Services:

      • Allow External Tool to return grades

      • Allow External Tool to create grade columns

    • Indicate the following type of Content Item/Deep Link Selection launch:

      • Allow the tool to be one of the assessment types

    • Just above the Splash Screen, select Allow additional custom parameters.

    • If you have a section Type of LTI 1.1 Launch to Use, select Use Legacy LTI 1.1 Launch.

When you have completed configuring the settings, click Save.

Next Steps

Instructors can now add MATLAB Grader problems to an LMS course, see Add MATLAB Grader Assessment Items to LMS Course.

Integrate MATLAB Grader with Other LMS

To integrate MATLAB Grader with an LMS not listed in this topic, follow these general instructions.

Get LTI 1.1 Credentials

Go to Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) credentials in MATLAB Grader.

  1. In MATLAB Grader, go to LMS Integration.

  2. Select Other LMS from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Generate Key and Secret. Copy these values and the launch URL.

Add External Tool

Follow the instructions in your LMS for adding an LTI or external tool. Look for a setting that contains fields for the launch URL, key, and secret. Keep in mind that the fields might not use these exact names, and they might not be all on the same page.

Next Steps

Instructors can now add MATLAB Grader problems to an LMS course, see Add MATLAB Grader Assessment Items to LMS Course.

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