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Integrate MATLAB Grader with Moodle — LTI 1.3

LMS Administrators: Add MATLAB Grader to Moodle External Tools

To add MATLAB® Grader™ to Moodle™ external tools, follow the steps in this section.


The version of Moodle you are using must be compatible with LTI 1.3. For information on which Moodle versions support LTI 1.3 integration, see Moodle LTI support.


For all text that you copy and then paste into the integration fields, make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces in the text, otherwise the integration might not work.

Step 1. Sign in to Moodle as an LMS Administrator

Sign in to your university’s instance of Moodle as a user with administrator privileges, specifically one with the ability to register a new LTI 1.3/Advantage tool.

Step 2. Go to Manage Tools

In Moodle, go to Manage Tools under Site Administration > Plugins > Activity modules > External tool. The URL of this page might look similar to this example:

Step 3. Register a New LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool

  1. On Manage Tools, click configure a tool manually.

  2. On External Tool Configuration, when prompted, enter the following values:

    Field NameField Value
    Tool NameMATLAB Grader LTI 1.3
    Tool URL
    Tool DescriptionAutomatically grade MATLAB code
  3. Change LTI version to LTI 1.3. The form updates with the new fields.

  4. When prompted, enter the following values:

    Field NameField Value
    Public key typeKeyset URL
    Public keyset
    Initiate login URL
    Redirect URI(s):
    Tool configuration usageShow in activity chooser and as a preconfigured tool
    Default launch containerEmbed, without blocks
  5. Expand Services and set options to the following values:

    Field NameField Value
    IMS LTI Assignment and Grade ServicesUse this service for grade sync and column management
    IMS LTI Names and Role ProvisioningDo not use this service
    Tool SettingsDo not use this service
  6. Expand Privacy and set the options there to the following values:

    Field NameField Value
    Share launcher’s name with toolNever
    Share launcher’s email with toolNever
    Accept grades from the toolAlways
    Force SSLSelect this option.
  7. Click Save Changes.

Step 4. Obtain Tool Configuration Details from Moodle

After saving your changes, you are returned to Manage Tools, where you can see the list of the tools that are currently configured in your instance of Moodle. Locate the newly created entry for “MATLAB Grader LTI 1.3.”

  1. On the tool entry, click View configuration details to see information about your MATLAB Grader installation.

  2. Copy the field values listed. You need this information in the next step.

    The following example is the type of information you might see. Do not copy these specific example values.

    • Platform ID:

    • Client ID: nnzajGSuLlx6LJK

    • Deployment ID:1

    • Public keyset URL:

    • Access token URL:

    • Authentication request URL:

  3. After you have copied this information, click Cancel.

Step 5. Sign in to MATLAB Grader as an LMS Administrator

When you sign in to MATLAB Grader, use the MathWorks® Account associated with the LMS administrator. The account holder must also be a license administrator for managing MathWorks licenses, and must have been given access to MATLAB Grader by MathWorks Customer Support or by another license administrator at your university.

Sign in at the URL and click LMS Integration. Alternatively, you can access the page directly at

Step 6. Register the LMS Information in MATLAB Grader

On the LMS Integration page:

  1. Under Step 1, choose LTI Version “LTI 1.3.”

  2. Under Step 3, when prompted, provide the values that you that you copied in "Step 4. Obtain Tool Configuration Details from Moodle". Some of the field names are the same and some are different.

    Field NameField Value
    IssuerUse the value for Platform ID from Step 4.
    Client IDUse the value for Client ID from Step 4.
    Public keyset URLUse the value for Public keyset URL from Step 4.
    Auth token endpoint: Use the value for Access token URL from Step 4.
    OIDC auth request endpointUse the value for Authentication request URL from Step 4.
    Deployment IDUse the value for Deployment ID from Step 4.
  3. Click Submit.

Ready for Instructor Access

The integration is now complete. Instructors can now add MATLAB Grader problems to their courses.

Troubleshooting Your MATLAB Grader LMS Integration with Moodle

Common causes for a failed Moodle integration are:

  • URLs are protected behind a firewall or not on the public internet. This includes SSO challenges.

  • There is either no SSL certificate or the SSL certificate is self signed.

  • URLs must use HTTPS.

  • The Moodle server is configured on a non-standard port number. Moodle servers can be configured behind a proxy service or port mapping at a firewall to ensure the public access to the server is always through port 443.

  • Your Apache® configuration does not allow all required headers. See the article "'Authorization' header sent with request, but missing from apache_request_headers()."

  • MATLAB Grader does not support the submission review message in the latest version of LTI 1.3 as implemented in Moodle.

    Clicking links to MATLAB Grader assignments directly from the Moodle gradebook might have unexpected results or the links might not work. Always click through to assignments from the Moodle syllabus/activity list view.

If you have a non-standard Moodle installation, you might need to make some configuration changes to allow the MATLAB Grader server and your server to talk to each other successfully.

Getting Help

If at any point in this process you require assistance integrating MATLAB Grader with your LMS using LTI 1.3, contact MathWorks Technical Support.

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