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Send break to device connected to serial port


    serialbreak(device,time) sends a break of the specified duration time, in milliseconds, to the specified serial port device, by setting the transmit pin (TXD) to high for the duration. The duration of the break might be inaccurate under some operating systems. For some devices, you can use the break signal as a way to clear the hardware buffer. The function suspends MATLAB® execution until it is complete.

    Input Arguments

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    Serial port connection, specified as a serialport object.

    Example: serialbreak(device,10) sends a 10 millisecond break to the serial port connection device.

    Duration of break in milliseconds, specified as a positive integer value.

    Example: serialbreak(device,10) sends a 10 millisecond break to the serial port connection device.

    Version History

    Introduced before R2006a

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    See Also


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