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Install MATLAB Connector for MATLAB Drive

MATLAB® Connector provides an easy way to manage your MATLAB Drive™ files on your local computer. With the Connector, files synchronize automatically between MATLAB Drive online and your local MATLAB Drive when the Connector is running.

Install Instructions

To install MATLAB Connector, follow these steps:

  1. Start the installer using one of these methods:

    • From the web — Go to the Connector download page and select an install option. Installing from the web does not require you to have MATLAB installed.

    • From within MATLAB — Click the MATLAB Drive button in the Current Folder toolbar.

      Current Folder toolbar showing the MATLAB Drive button circled in red

      If the MATLAB Drive button is not on the Current Folder toolbar, you can add it by right-clicking the toolbar and selecting Customize. Then, in the MATLAB Toolbar Preferences Controls section, select Access MATLAB Drive files on this computer and click OK. MATLAB adds the button to the toolbar.

  2. Specify a location for your MATLAB Drive folder and other MATLAB Drive preferences. For more information, see MATLAB Drive Preferences and Account Information.

    When configuring the location of your MATLAB Drive folder, these locations are not supported:

    • Folders on a network drive.

    • Read-only or otherwise restricted folders.

    • Folders that are already being synced by another application. If you set the location of your MATLAB Drive folder to a folder that is already being synced, the files in your MATLAB Drive folder might not correctly sync with the files on the cloud.

  3. Click Finish to complete setup and start synchronizing your MATLAB Drive files between your computer and online accounts. To change any of your selections, click Back.

When the installer finishes, MATLAB Drive is ready for use. To get started, see Use MATLAB Connector to Manage Your Files.

Uninstall Instructions

Operating SystemInstructions
  1. Exit MATLAB Connector.

  2. Go to the Control Panel, and select Programs > Uninstall a program.

  3. (Optional) If you are on a shared computer, clear your cached account information by deleting the ServiceHost folder. The default location for this folder is C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\MathWorks\ServiceHost.

  1. Exit MATLAB Connector.

  2. Open a Terminal window.

  3. Navigate to the MATLAB Connector installation folder:

    cd ~/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/ServiceHost
  4. Run the uninstaller:


    VERSION is the MATLAB Connector version, which you can find under Settings in the Connector; for example,

  5. (Optional) If you are on a shared computer, clear your cached account information by deleting the ServiceHost folder. The default location for this folder is ~/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/ServiceHost.

  1. Exit MATLAB Connector.

  2. Open a Terminal window.

  3. Navigate to the MATLAB Connector installation folder:

    cd ~/.MathWorks/ServiceHost/<HOSTNAME>

    HOSTNAME is the computer host name.

  4. Run the uninstaller:


    VERSION is the MATLAB Connector version, which you can find under Settings in the Connector; for example,

  5. (Optional) If you are on a shared computer, clear your cached account information by deleting the ~/.MathWorks/ServiceHost/<HOSTNAME> folder.

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