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Use newplot to Control Plotting

This example shows how to prepare the axes for user-written plotting functions. Use dot notation to set properties.

Use newplot to manage the output from specialized plotting functions. The myPlot2D function:

  • Uses revolving line styles and a single color for multiline plots.

  • Adds a legend with specified display names.

function myPlot2D(x,y)
   % Call newplot to get the axes object
   cax = newplot;
   % Customize axes
   cax.FontName = 'Times';
   cax.FontAngle = 'italic';
   % Create plot
   hLines = line(x,y,...
   lso = ['- ';'--';': ';'-.'];
   grid on

   function setLineStyle(hLines)
      style = 1;
      for ii = 1:length(hLines)
         if style > length(lso)
            style = 1;
         hLines(ii).LineStyle = lso(style,:);
         hLines(ii).DisplayName = num2str(style);
         style = style + 1;

This plot shows the typical output for the myPlot2D function:

x = 1:10;
y = peaks(10);

The myPlot2D function shows the basic structure of a user-written plotting function:

  • Call newplot to get an axes object and customize it.

  • Call plotting functions (for example, line and legend) to create a plot.

Because myPlot2D uses the axes object returned by newplot to access the target axes, this function:

  • Adheres to the behavior of MATLAB® plotting functions when clearing the axes with each subsequent call.

  • Works correctly when hold is set to on.

The default settings for the NextPlot properties ensure that your plotting functions adhere to the standard MATLAB behavior — reuse the figure window, but clear and reset the axes with each new plot.