Use the Linux® command shell and manage files on BeagleBone® Black hardware
Use BeagleBone Black hardware with Linux command shell.
beaglebone | Connection to BeagleBone Black hardware |
clear | Terminate connection to BeagleBone Black hardware |
openShell | Open terminal on host computer for Linux shell on BeagleBone Black hardware |
system | Run command in Linux shell on BeagleBone Black hardware |
getFile | Transfer file from BeagleBone Black hardware to host computer |
putFile | Transfer file from host computer to hardware |
deleteFile | Delete file from hardware |
- Run Linux Commands on BeagleBone Black Hardware
Run Linux commands on BeagleBone Black hardware.
- Manage BeagleBone Black Files
Exchange files with BeagleBone Black hardware.
- BeagleBone Black Linux Command Interface
Running commands on BeagleBone Black hardware.
- Management of BeagleBone Black Files
Exchanging files with BeagleBone Black hardware.
Troubleshoot Running Linux Commands on BeagleBone Black Hardware
Troubleshoot Linux commands on BeagleBone Black hardware.
Troubleshoot Managing BeagleBone Black Files
Troubleshoot exchanging files with BeagleBone Black hardware.