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Summary of Polygon Display Functions

The following table lists the available Mapping Toolbox™ patch and polygon display functions.


Used For


Plot 2-D points, lines, and polygons on map axes and geographic axes


Display map latitude and longitude data in 2-D on axesm-based maps


Display map data without projection in 2-D on axes


Patch objects projected on axesm-based maps


Patches projected as individual objects on axesm-based maps


Filled 2-D map patches on axesm-based maps


Filled 3-D map patches in 3-D space on axesm-based maps


The geoplot function displays point, line, and polygon data on map axes and geographic axes. This function accepts geospatial tables and shape objects in any supported projected or geographic coordinate reference system (CRS), and accepts coordinate vectors in geographic coordinates. Unlike the other functions listed on this page, the geoplot function creates a Polygon object when you display polygon data.

geoshow and mapshow

The geoshow and mapshow functions provide a superset of functionality for displaying geographic (latitude-longitude) and projected (xy) geospatial data, respectively, in two dimensions. These functions accept geospatial tables, geographic data structures (geostructs and mapstructs), and coordinate vector arrays, but can also directly read shapefiles and spatially referenced raster files. To control how MATLAB® renders the data, create symbol specifications by using the makesymbolspec function.

patchm, patchesm, fillm, and fill3m

Mapping Toolbox provides two low-level functions that display patches on axesm-based maps: patchm and patchesm. The patchm function creates one displayed object that can contain multiple unconnected faces. Unlike MATLAB patch display functions, which do not support unconnected patch faces, patchm separates unconnected faces using NaN values. Alternatively, the patchesm function treats each face as a separate object and returns an array of patch objects. In general, patchm requires more memory but is faster than patchesm. The patchesm function is useful if you need to manipulate the appearance of individual patches (as thematic maps often require).

The fillm and fill3m functions make use of the patchm function.

See Also


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